Thursday, 8 November 2018

At Last!

I'm really excited to write this blog and finally, finally announce that my room is finished!

As you readers know it's been a hard time and I've really struggled at times but I'm so happy with how it's turned out.

I originally posted a far too excited blog back in September and managed to get going pretty quickly by making a nice mess of my room.  Things really got going when Dad stripped out my room whilst Helen and I were on holiday in Stratford and Gem and I spent an intense 48 hours painting the stripes on my wall.

Dad was fantastic and got all my lovely new furniture in for Halloween which meant for the first time I was able to have a properly Halloween-ised room!

Pretty lights!

The Tim Burton theme continues!
The best thing is that everything finally seems to have a place, what used to be clutter that blended into the mess now has prides of places. 

The vinyl and record player now live together. The photo album on top contains all my favourite
photos that once plastered the walls.
The blinds go with my black, white and red Night Circus theme
The CD storage only holds about 1/5 of my collection 🤣🤣
DVDs and Pop Vinyls

My favourite feature has to be my cube shelves! 

They give me the space to devote entire cubes to my favourite things.

Plane Geeking cube

My witchy cube

My 30 Seconds To Mars cube
Alice In Wonderland love
I also have a shelf to remember Kay
All that's left now to do is to pop some nails in the wall so that the photo frame collages that I've made can go on show, including my beautiful panoramic photo of Niagara Falls that I've had propped up gathering dust for years. It's going to go above the TV to always remind me of my favourite holiday ever. 

Thank you so much to everyone who's helped me with the decorating, or has listened to me whine and stress about it. It means the world.

Love Jen

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