Friday, 12 October 2018

Room Refurb Episode 4 - Splashed

In this week’s blog I’m pleased to say that more progress has been made!

Yesterday Dad very kindly painted my soon-to-be-feature wall with the white base coat that we need before the black stripes go on (check out the picture at the bottom). This week has also seen the return of my signed 30STM poster to it’s rightful place on the wall along with a couple of photos temporarily stuck on the white board to make me feel more at home. I’ve also invested in some photo frames that I’ve been arranging photos in ready for putting on the wall, although with the amount of photos that used to be stuck on the wall I may need a few more frames …..

Dad is hoping to plasterboard the wall that my standing shelves will lean against today and then next week I have Miss Project Planner herself Gem coming in on Thursday and Friday to help with proceedings.

I think the last few ‘big’ things that need doing before the fun stuff starts to happen are the stripping of the final bit of wallpaper behind the radiator, the aforementioned plaster board, painting the skirting boards, putting the black stripes on the wall and finally replacing my poor trashed carpet!

I’ll update you next week!

Love Jen



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