Friday, 29 September 2017

Autumn Missing In Action

This week I've (OK well my brother of far greater height than I) put up my Autumn leaves & mushrooms bunting that I made a few years back as a concession to Autumn.

Everyone gets excited about Autumn and the new season (I fully admit to pouring over the September editions of Vogue each year) and the start of the run up to Christmas (ugh), the colours, berries etc. But has anyone noticed we seem to have skipped Autumn and gone straight to (warmish) winter? It's rained about 20 of the 29 days of September so far, been damn cold and bloody gloomy. I'm starting to feel justified when I refer to "shitty Autumn".

I feel bad for all the Autumn lovers out there (pretty much everyone I know except me) as September's been such a washout. I never thought last Sunday that I'd need my rain poncho AFTER the airshow (Duxford, v good) to run from the coach round the corner to my house.

There's been no sign of the Autumn colours everyone loves, I guess the leaves are getting washed away before they get a chance to turn. I must admit to feeling peeved that the one year I've nagged Mum and Helen into a trip to Sheffield Park for me to photograph the colours there'll probably only be puddles to be found!

I never thought I'd be the one to declare Autumn MIA!

Love Jen

Ps 32 days 'TILL Halloween 🦇

Monday, 25 September 2017

A Cure For Intolerance?

I can't believe I'm actually seeing this on my Sky Timetable. I've heard before about attempts to 'cure' gay people and it makes me feel physically sick.

If you're looking at it from a religious point of view, in attempting to 'cure' the way a person feels and loves, would that not be denying the way that God (or whoever you worship) has created them? If your almighty deity has made something or someone a certain way should that not be set in stone?

Surely any 'god' would be more interested in whether a person is living their life as a good person. Being kind, generous and tolerant towards other human beings is what matters, not who you love.

Another thing that make me furious is that you wouldn't see a programme allowed on TV that endorses Islamic Extremism, Violence or heaven forbid Paedophilia. To me suggesting that a large percentage of the world's population is somehow 'broken' is just as dangerous a message. I personally would be just as concerned about my child or teenager coming across this propaganda as messages from ISIS.

In this world of hate surely we can celebrate love of all kinds?

Love Jen

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Some Evening Prettiness

I was lucky enough to catch a photo of these Sunflowers as the sun went down this evening.

Also I'm proud to reveal that I've finally learnt how to 'tag' my posts so that you can all skip straight to 'bunnies'.....

Love Jen

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Elevator Music 🎶

This is kind of a stop gap blog as I haven't written in nearly a month, and if by some miracle I was to achieve my dream of being some kind of Author/Blogger (of the music variety would be my ultimate goal) then being lax with posts isn't the way to go.

I've been shying away from blogging the last few weeks as during my counselling sessions we've been digging out some pretty heavy stuff that I'd kinda blocked out, incidents at school that I'd tried to laugh off or ignore at the time but would actually be taken far more seriously nowadays.

And I shall write about it sooner rather than later; once I have it all a bit straighter in my head, not in an attention seeking/airing dirty laundry/sensationalising, or whatever other adjectives are thrown at people who speak about their abuse manner, but at the moment I'm still at the stage where I need to sort it in my own head before telling you about it.

Love to you all



Ps here is a photo of Esme for you to admire in the meantime!

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...