Monday, 25 September 2017

A Cure For Intolerance?

I can't believe I'm actually seeing this on my Sky Timetable. I've heard before about attempts to 'cure' gay people and it makes me feel physically sick.

If you're looking at it from a religious point of view, in attempting to 'cure' the way a person feels and loves, would that not be denying the way that God (or whoever you worship) has created them? If your almighty deity has made something or someone a certain way should that not be set in stone?

Surely any 'god' would be more interested in whether a person is living their life as a good person. Being kind, generous and tolerant towards other human beings is what matters, not who you love.

Another thing that make me furious is that you wouldn't see a programme allowed on TV that endorses Islamic Extremism, Violence or heaven forbid Paedophilia. To me suggesting that a large percentage of the world's population is somehow 'broken' is just as dangerous a message. I personally would be just as concerned about my child or teenager coming across this propaganda as messages from ISIS.

In this world of hate surely we can celebrate love of all kinds?

Love Jen

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