Friday, 30 June 2017

Who you calling fangirl?

This morning I got an email from EMP (online store for lots of punk & goth pretties) advertising "This Is what fangirls wear on the beach" . Now I admit due to already being in a foul mood due to work issues, PMT and losing my beautiful Stellybear a week ago but I really lost my rag with this.

The term 'Fangirl' really winds me up. It's normally used to describe female fans of artists or bands who constantly squeal and hyperventilate over Twitter/Facebook, worshipping them and obsess over their favourite member/s (don't even get me started on the creepy trend I've seen on Instagram and Twitter of referring to musicians as 'Dad' or 'Mum' it makes my skin crawl). Unfortunately the Fangirl label seems to be handed to any of us gals who are into music.

It would appear that due to having boobs and a vagina that I can't be trusted to like bands without going all teenage about them. Now when I was a teenager I was fangirly over bands with members I had crushes on (Hi 911, A1 & N*Sync - actually lets face it I still like N*Sync and Justin Timberlake is still hot) and cared more about that than the output of musical quality. I didn't have the apprehension that I do now when a favourite artist releases a new album as to whether I'll like it or not.

So my protestations that I like 30STM, Nirvana, Lady GaGa, Green Day, Deap Vally et all for their music are apparently misguided. If I get asked one more time "Ah so are you a Jared fan then?", with matching smirk, when I'm talking about Mars' music I may actually commit murder. Shockingly I got into them before I knew who the hell any of them were. I heard Attack on the radio and thought it was awesome and the rest as they say is history. I know the next argument will be "But you've seen them soooo many times and been abroad" well yes I have *slow clap* but they are quite frankly one of the best live bands I've ever had the fortune to see and whilst I can afford to I shall continue to do so.

I'm not going to lie and saw that I don't find Jared & Shannon from 30STM, Lady GaGa & Billie-Joe from Green Day attractive because frankly they fit my 'Tattooed rock n roller' taste. But it irks me that people assume that it's the only reason I like them. Put it this way I'm not going to listen to/go and see someone just because they're aesthetically pleasing.

And in answer to what do I wear on the beach? It mostly co-ordinates with my Top Gun hat and camera as I'm plane geeking!

Love Jen


Ps Dear 30 Seconds To Mars if you don't release your goddam album soon I'll be covering my Triad tattoo with a portrait of Justin Bieber!

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Sun Worship

It's currently 32 degrees in our office with 4 fans going, Facebook and Twitter are full of updates stating the bloomin obvious that it's H-O-T! I'm trying my hardest not to move should I melt into a pool of polka dots, tattoos and earrings. Pollen is my nemesis stabbing my eyes, flooding my nose and prickling my eczema and I feel rough from not sleeping well the last couple of nights from the heat - although it's amazing how quickly the noise from a fan can fade into the background. Everyone is short and snappy for the same reasons but I actually love this.

 As you all know summer is my favourite season and even when it's this hot and on occasion makes me as snappy as the next person the heat and sunshine still lifts my spirits. I may be stuck in a furnace of an office but I like knowing that I can venture outside to the courtyard with Helen at lunch and enjoy the warmth. I like that a BBQ is always potentially on the cards. Eating dinner or lunch of any kind outside is one of life's simple pleasures. I like knowing that tomorrow post-work I'll be able to fit in a swim at the hospital pool and still have time to put the girls on the grass as it won't get dark or chilly 'till late in the evening (in fact last night I was still reading my book in the garden at 9.30 - the girls had long since put themselves to bed!).

 Speaking of swimming, as some of you will have seen from my Instagram post, I had my first swim since 2006 last week. I'd forgotten how much I love being in the water! Years of having a boyfriend who couldn't and wouldn't swim, thinking I was too fat for a swimming costume and my natural abilities as a jellyfish magnet were dismissed the minute I jumped in. I find cutting through the water exhilarating and then floating lazily soothing for the soul. By the end of my 45 minute session my entire body ached, I couldn't move my arms without cramping but I was on a real high. I've re-discovered something I'd lost from earlier, happier times. I don't care about health benefits, whether I may lose weight, doubtful since I'm currently eating my (quite considerable) body weight in Ben & Jerry's for their 'cooling properties' or getting a tan (dear god no). I care about getting back in touch with my inner water-baby who had to be physically dragged from the sea or pool as a kid.

 Us Brits aren't cut out for the heat, we do tend to turn into a sweating, wobbly mass the moment the temperature passes about 22c but in a few days/weeks time when it's grey and raining we'll be complaining about "the Great British Summer" . I am at the advantage of not being stuck on the train to London every day (well when they run) and only having to spend 40 minutes tops on the bus home, admittedly that was a test in itself yesterday with screaming brats and two older gentlemen who spent the entire journey from the hospital to town complaining about the heat and why couldn't do something about it? I intend to make the most of the current weather, tomorrow it's the summer solstice which means a 4am trip to the downs to watch the sun come up, marking the high point of the year (I try to stamp down the pessimist in me that points out that the nights will now be slowly drawing in).

 And let's face it, as a country we could really do with a few rays of sunshine at the moment.

Love Jen


Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Now We Are 30!

I always loved AA Milne's 'Now We Are Six' poem as a kid. It fits a child's idea of growing older perfectly. Now I promise not to perform any poetry on the subject of my birthday, especially as it would be about the same standard as Vogon Poetry. Instead I want to share with you all photos from my celebrations and describe how much fun we had!

Technically I started my birthday celebrations some weeks back when I treated myself to a set of tattoos. 

The first is a music note to make sure that I'm always listening to a happy tune
The arrow is on my arm and represents a poem that my Dad sent me.

"An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming."

The main tattoo is on my lower leg and shin. It's a mixture of the original illustrations from Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by John Tenniel.  The main image of Alice and the cards relates to the quote "Who cares for you?' said Alice, (she had grown to her full size by this time.) 'You're nothing but a pack of cards!" I try to remember this when I'm having bad thoughts that overwhelm and scare me, I try to imagine them as a pack of cards, easily thrown away. 

And now back to the day itself! I'd booked the function room at The Arlington Arms so that I could spend the evening surrounded by my loved ones to celebrate.

I started off with my first trip to the hairdressers in over a year and the first time I've had it styled since my school prom (about 14 years ago)!

I had it styled in a cool Rockabilly look -

I'd decided ages ago that if I did decide to have a party then the theme would have to be Alice In Wonderland. I also wanted to incorporate my love of plane geekery so ordered some plane themed selfie-props and put up some photos I'd taken at airshows. 

I added a little red heart to fit with the Alice theme.

My Alice print dress
I always like to make photo boards at parties to celebrate the fun times I've had with friends and family
Alice in Wonderland and Plane themed selfie-props
Good work by Chris & Coleman!
These are the best photos of the night!

Firstly the Richardson Mafia was out in force - 

Phil and Amanda

Amanda, Phil and Helen
Playing the 'Drag Queen Name Generator' with Luke and Barry
Chris & Vana with John & Delize
I think these might be my new airshow essentials!
Helen and I trying out the photo props

Sounds about right!
Hilary, Luke & Tone
Me and Hilary
The pink hat was popular with Tone ........
....... And Jamie!
The party bags kept everyone quiet!

It was an absolutely brilliant night and I genuinely felt like a princess, I loved my hair, my dress and most of all spending the evening with all of you. 

Love you all 




Making Your Mind Up

With just 2 more days to go until the General Election the political parties and broadcasters are ramping up their campaigning, fighting for every single vote. There is also a lot of work being done to ensure that young people register to vote and take part in the democratic process.

This means harnessing youngsters' attention across social media, TV, radio, music and more. I think it's incredibly important to make sure they're included in politics as to use a cliche they are the future. However I am getting quite annoyed with the biased way they are dictating to the same demographic who to vote for.

Last week's NME dedicated it's entire front page  and leading article to Jeremy Corbin & Labour's campaign inviting readers to ask questions and detailing the Labour manifesto. Mike Williams uses his Editor's letter to tell the readership to vote for Corbin as does Leonie Cooper in her opinion column. Tomorrow's issue of Kerrang! also promotes Corbin's campaign.

My problem with the coverage isn't because they're worshipping Labour, they are perfectly entitled to give their opinions on who they believe are the best candidates. What worries me is that whilst they are encouraging young people to make their voices heard they are only presenting them with one option.

There are currently 12 different parties represented in the UK Parliament, all who are up for election in their various constituencies across the country. Surely they should all be covered too? NME derides Theresa May and the Tories as a danger to the country hell-bent on sending us all to poverty to keep the rich comfortable. But should they not give equal, or at least some, column inches to what the Conservatives, Lib Dems, Green Party, SNP or even UKIP have to say?

Whatever your political beliefs surely you must agree that it's equally dangerous to give young voters the message that only one party is the answer, without mentioning other parties' policies or pledges. To be fully engaged with the political process everyone needs to do their research, to understand what each party is offering. Not to be dictated to by the media and biased left or right wing coverage.

My plea to anyone, young or old casting their votes is to make sure you can make the most informed decision possible as to which box to put your X in on Thursday.

Love Jen

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...