Friday, 30 June 2017

Who you calling fangirl?

This morning I got an email from EMP (online store for lots of punk & goth pretties) advertising "This Is what fangirls wear on the beach" . Now I admit due to already being in a foul mood due to work issues, PMT and losing my beautiful Stellybear a week ago but I really lost my rag with this.

The term 'Fangirl' really winds me up. It's normally used to describe female fans of artists or bands who constantly squeal and hyperventilate over Twitter/Facebook, worshipping them and obsess over their favourite member/s (don't even get me started on the creepy trend I've seen on Instagram and Twitter of referring to musicians as 'Dad' or 'Mum' it makes my skin crawl). Unfortunately the Fangirl label seems to be handed to any of us gals who are into music.

It would appear that due to having boobs and a vagina that I can't be trusted to like bands without going all teenage about them. Now when I was a teenager I was fangirly over bands with members I had crushes on (Hi 911, A1 & N*Sync - actually lets face it I still like N*Sync and Justin Timberlake is still hot) and cared more about that than the output of musical quality. I didn't have the apprehension that I do now when a favourite artist releases a new album as to whether I'll like it or not.

So my protestations that I like 30STM, Nirvana, Lady GaGa, Green Day, Deap Vally et all for their music are apparently misguided. If I get asked one more time "Ah so are you a Jared fan then?", with matching smirk, when I'm talking about Mars' music I may actually commit murder. Shockingly I got into them before I knew who the hell any of them were. I heard Attack on the radio and thought it was awesome and the rest as they say is history. I know the next argument will be "But you've seen them soooo many times and been abroad" well yes I have *slow clap* but they are quite frankly one of the best live bands I've ever had the fortune to see and whilst I can afford to I shall continue to do so.

I'm not going to lie and saw that I don't find Jared & Shannon from 30STM, Lady GaGa & Billie-Joe from Green Day attractive because frankly they fit my 'Tattooed rock n roller' taste. But it irks me that people assume that it's the only reason I like them. Put it this way I'm not going to listen to/go and see someone just because they're aesthetically pleasing.

And in answer to what do I wear on the beach? It mostly co-ordinates with my Top Gun hat and camera as I'm plane geeking!

Love Jen


Ps Dear 30 Seconds To Mars if you don't release your goddam album soon I'll be covering my Triad tattoo with a portrait of Justin Bieber!

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