Monday, 28 December 2015

2015 In Pictures

2015 has definitely finished better than it started. At the start of the year everything was black, I was signed off work and could see no way out of the situation. Things aren't perfect now, my moods are still up and down and my OCD has a lot of peaks but compared to how things were, it's a walk in the park!

The biggest change has been moving back to work on the staff bank at the hospital. It's like temping so I don't get paid for any days off or sick days (which there have been a few of lately due to my stupid moods) but it's brilliantly flexible. I started off on on reception which didn't really suit me (I hate people!) but now I work in the admin side of things, sending out letters, filing etc which is in no way high powered, very menial and not great pay but I love it. I've found my level and I don't have to worry about people scrutinizing everything I do, looking for things to report on. It's also fantastic as I'm able to pop down to visit the guys in the records library where I worked before which has led to good old fashioned nights out!

Me and Shelby - on Saturdays we wear black

The year started off with Kay welcoming Donna to the UK for a week's visit and I was lucky enough to join them for two days in Brighton and London. Unfortunately the weather was typically British but hopefully Donna will remember the taste of 'proper' Guinness and umbrella shopping as well as the rain!

This year me, Helen and Kay have also been practicing the perfect 'triple selfie' -

Looking foward to practicing more tomorrow ladies!

Speaking of group photos it's also been the year of the 'Group Facebook Cover Photo' -
My Birthday
Luke's Birthday
Barry's Birthday
Speaking of my birthday, this year I decided to use my passion for music as a theme for a party. We had a festival themed BBQ with inflatable instruments, music themed decorations and even genuine mud, wind and rain! It's the little details that make the difference I find .....

Pre-party with Helen, Kay & Corney (More from him later)
Luke, Barry, Helen & Me
Cutting the cake

I managed a pretty good year musically too and managed to go to some really good gigs!

First off were The Who at the O2 Arena in March (Read more about it here)

Mum and I enjoyed the show so much that over breakfast the next morning we booked to see them again in Hyde Park in June!

Off to London

Festival Chic ..... or something like that ......

We had the most beautiful sunset to accompany the show
A couple of weeks ago I went to see The Prodigy with Luke & Barry at Wembley Arena. They were as fantastic as always (even if a lot of the audience around us had to sit down for a rest halfway through the show!) and we had a really good day out.
What do you mean not everyone enjoys a pre-gig Nutella cocktail???

As I'm sure you'll have all guessed, gig of the year goes to 30 Seconds To Mars at St John-At-Hackney. It was a beautiful little church and the atmosphere was just perfect. It was a low key, casual show and everyone just had fun. I've actually watched the footage of the show this evening and it proves that it was wonderful as I remember. 

Cheers guys
There's been so many great days out this year, from fun at the fair -

Jamie being deafened
Visiting Kay and stealing, sorry worshipping her furbabies -

Kay and Honey
Me and Honey
Kay, Helen & Tilly
One of the most inspiring days out was when Helen & I went to the Alexander McQueen exhibition at the V&A. It was simply amazing, the clothes were perfect, we'd been to an exhibition last year of Italian Couture and quite simply those items looked shabby compared to the clothes in Savage Beauty. We weren't allowed to take photos in there but here's a snippet from the V&A.

I did manage to rock some pretty epic 'tube hair'
As a birthday treat for me we had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe! I've loved the Hard Rock ever since our trip to Niagara Falls in 2011 when we spent the day in one chatting to the staff about 30 Seconds To Mars.

Hurricanes 'O Clock!

We were back in London in July for a break with Kay to take in Comic Con and I even managed to find an Alice In Wonderland exhibition. There's loads more photos here but these are some highlights -
Steampunked up in Victoria Station
Kay & Helen being entertained by Corney
Helen finding her Nirvana in Forbes
I like to co-ordinate with the exhibitions I go to!
Helen being her normal polite self when I suggested she may enjoy looking inside the Museum Of London
This year I've added to my tattoo collection with a white feather for Kay, a ladybird for Helen (mine and Kay's nickname for her) and a blue butterfly to signify new beginnings. 

Under wraps
The whole arm
This year me and Chris finally managed to go to a motor race. We went to the UK leg of the Formula E championship in Battersea Park with Vana & Milan. 

Group Photo!
We were naturally blessed with the weather!

The squirrel was most unimpressed with the weather and crowds!
I really enjoyed the race, it was bloody exciting and the British guy won! 

Bruno Senna coming out of the pits

It didn't hurt that we were under the Heathrow flightpath either ......

Oh hi A380

It's been a contrasting year in plane geekery. There was obviously the horrendous events at Shoreham which I think most of us in the plane geek community are struggling to come to terms with.

There were highlights though, for the first time in 5 years me and Dad went to Biggin Hill airshow. 

I love this photo - it could be the 1940s!

The Typhoon & Spitfire commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Battle Of Britain 
I got this snap of the Royal Navy Black Cats and they tweeted me to say how much they liked it!
The highlight of the day was the Red Arrows flying with the Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight's Spitfires & Hurricanes
I've already written a great long blog about Airbourne this year so here's a couple of highlights -
The Red Arrows
The Blades
RAF Tutor

This year we were blessed to have the Vulcan display as part of her final season (more of that here) and we had a fantastic view of her as she was holding.

She ran in exactly level with us!

The other highlight of the day was being buzzed by one of the Red Arrows as it shot over the downs!
No zoom needed!

We had a further suprise visit from Vulcan XH558 in September so it was back up to Beachy Head to watch -
Grandma, Grandad and Helen
Grandma, Grandad and Me
The main attraction

Eastbourne was also one of the vantage points for the Battle Of Britain memorial day flypasts

On 11th October came a day that I'd been dreading since the start of the airshow season. The Vulcan's final flight. We went up to Wellshurst Golf Club to see her and I couldn't help crying as she swept over us for the final time. I can't believe it was the last time I'll ever see her.

Goodbye beautiful

Last month me and Helen went to watch Chris, Mum, Dad and Vana Go Kart racing. We decided to provide helpful commentary i.e watching and pointing occasionally!

Hello we will be your commentary team for today!
Chris suited up
Mum and Dad
The annual meeting of the Racing Driver Look-Alikes Club
Chris in action
Although my favourite shot of that day is still Chris apologising for over-taking Vana!

Here's a couple of my favorite 'photography' shots of the year  -

A nice family photo from November -

Uncle Alan, Dad, Mum, Chris, Grandad, Grandma, Auntie Sandra, Tim & Uncle Neil
This year I've been nagged into being Christmassy by Helen and my family so I agreed to have a tree in my room on the condition that my tree was black and gold 1920s/Art Deco themed. I set Helen to work and I think you'll agree she did a pretty damn good job!

Speaking of Christmas, Santa very kindly bought Luke some photo props that were used to good effect, and I feel it would be unkind to James not to include his new favourite photo of me!

Christmas Day included a trip to visit Grandma & Grandad -
Nick, Grandma, Me, Grandad, Chris & Tim

Of course no blog is complete without news of the girls and I think this picture sums up their year perfectly .......

Happy New Year!

Love Jen

And now I must pass you over to my handsome companion for -

The year according to Corney-

Hello unicorn fans Corney here. Mum says you'll all want to hear about what I've been up to so I'm putting hooves to laptop!
This year I've been very lucky and spent lots of time with my Aunties Helen & Kay. 

Here I am with Auntie Helen, Auntie Kay and Millie Moo
I got to go to London and meet Auntie Donna
This year I met my lady love Harriet, Auntie Kay introduced us and we've been inseparable ever since!
My Lady Harriet
 I have also continued to dazzle and awe those around me with my fantastic fashion sense. I have frequently spent my pocket money at the Bear Factory as they very kindly sell Corney-sized clothes.
This is my ghost Halloween costume that Mum made me
Dungarees Ahoy!
Captain America wishes he was as heroic as me!
But let's face it, I'm so handsome I even make a shopping bag look good!
I've also been a very good boy and taken Mum and Auntie Helen out on lots of trips!
Hot Chocolate Mum?
Supervising Mum & Auntie at Airbourne
Tally Ho!
Stop cramping my style Mum!
This is my friend Puggle who moved in with Auntie Helen this year
It's been a very fun year with lots of adventures, I can't wait for more trips and more shopping!
Happy New Year from me and Harriet

And always remember ........

Love from Corney 

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A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...