Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Could my meds be more trouble than they're worth?

Today I saw a quite scary report on BBC News (perk of being off work at the moment is that I'm v up on current affairs) that a link between taking certain over the counter medication and Dementia has been discovered. Full article here http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30988643.

Basically the study suggests that taking medications such as anti-depressants can cause dementia: " The study estimated that people taking at least 10 mg/day of doxepin (antidepressant), four mg/day of diphenhydramine (a sleep aid), or five mg/day of oxybutynin (a urinary incontinence drug) for more than three years would be at greater risk of developing dementia."

I've taken various Anti-depressants and more recently the mood-stabiliser every day regularly for 8 years now which is pretty scary. I've definitely felt that my brain has slowed down and fogged up more over the last few years. I almost feel stupider and slower, my memory is already shot.

When I was at school and college and for the 2/3 years after I left I did feel confident in my intelligence and mental ability. But over the last year or so I definitely feel like I've lost a bit of ground. My GP at the time and other people dismissed the idea that I felt my tablets were affecting my cognition but now it seems I'm vindicated in my belief. In light of today's report it's actually quite scary.

Working in a job that deals with elderly care, I hear horror stories about the ravages of dementia on a person and their family. It also throws up the question as to whether I should continue taking medications if they are going to increase my risk of even more problems later on? Are the small amount of benefits that I gain through my medication now worth it?

I'm hoping that more research that will prove definitively or dismiss this link, else I may have to re-assess my medication. It's a choice between attempting to control my symptoms now or potentially completely lose my cognitive abilities and my precious memories, and scarier still end up in an EMI home and the horrible things that can happen there.

Actually quite scared.

Love Jen

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