Thursday, 13 February 2014

Love Actually

At this rather pink and fluffy time of year it would be fitting for me to write one of two blog options - firstly to declare my undying love for that special someone and make you all feel particularly queasy or alternatively I could write a blog declaring love is dead and that I would be better off living up a mountain in the Himalayas with a small troop of mountain goats for company.

Thankfully I'm writing neither. I wanted to write a blog about love but didn't initially know where to start, as it may be apparent I am single and have been for the last few years. Since I've only ever been in one relationship that spanned nearly 7 years, two engagements and the eventual sad realization that two people who were once madly in love had drifted apart. I sometimes think the healing process, for me, would have been easier had it been a dramatic break-up full of thunder and lightening, rather it ended with a whimper than any shouting. That's all I'm going to say about the relationship, my ex is a good guy and doesn't deserve to be talked about on a blog by someone he hasn't spoken to in three years. With all that said I'm probably not the best person to ask about love and relationships, so what to write about?

Whenever people ask me whether "there's anyone" and I say no there's always a hint of sympathy, I'm not sure why. I genuinely, hand-on-heart do not miss being in a relationship. The way I look at it right now I can do what I want, go where I want and don't have to worry about what anyone else thinks. Plus it's not like the offers are rolling in .... shocking I know. But in all seriousness I honestly don't feel that I lack anything for not having a boy or girlfriend, I have amazing family and friends.

So I want to dedicate my blog to the people I love most in the world who make my world a better place, who support me when I need you the most and above all make life fun!

So in no particular order -

Estelle & Esme - My beautiful furbabies
Mum & Dad - Who never judge me but are there for me unconditionally
Helen - I couldn't ask for a better friend or a more awesome big sister
Monkey - For always taking the piss out of me and making me laugh .... oh and for fixing my laptop ;)
Grandma & Grandad - For still spoiling me whenever I come round and for giving me a home away from home
Vana - For making my baby bro happy and for being lovely
Gem - You introduced me to Baileys and hot chocolate and decorated my desk at work and of course introducing me to Ellie!
Hilary & Lydia - I'm so glad you guys are back in my life and I'll never let you guys down again
Kay - You are an inspiration to me and remind me never to give up
Gwenda, Sophie & Juliette - For making work fun and keeping me topped up with chocolate!

Love you all
Xx Jen xX

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Your time is almost up.

Hello ԁear, There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ have to read mẏ message carefully. It is really important...