Thursday, 28 November 2013

Thank You

I rather like the idea of Thanksgiving, having an 'official' opportunity to pause and remember the good things in life that can sometimes get swept under the carpet of everyday life. So in the spirit of international holiday-stealing this is what I am thankful for.

1. Still being here - when I'm in my blackest moods the temptation to end it all is ever present, I'm thankful that I am still here,typing this blog.

2. My family - for always sticking by me no matter how difficult I can be to live with and for the unconditional love i've always been shown.

3. Helen - as I've said before she's more than my best friend, she's my sister. She's the person who can pull me out of my blackest moods (usually by insulting me), calm me down when I'm stressing. She's brilliant fun to be around and I love her to bits.

4. My beautiful Estelle & Esme, who knew bunnies had such personality and would completely steal my heart.

5. My friends who make me smile, especially Kay who is a brave and inspirational lady.

6. My Grandma getting the all-clear from cancer earlier this year. We're keeping up our tradition of going to see The Nutcracker in a few weeks time and I'm so so relieved to know she is healthy.

7. Music, especially 30 Seconds To Mars, it inspires me, lifts my mood and encourages me to fight on.

8. My job, it may be "just an admin" job but I really enjoy what I do and the people I work with, also if it hadn't seen the Psychologist through our Occupational Health dept then I wouldn't be getting the Bipolar treatment that I need, rather than being stuck on non-effective antidepressants

9. Simple pleasures like sewing, drawing, making jewellery, sitting in the run with Estelle & Esme on a warm summers' evening, going to airshows and taking photographs wherever I go.

Love Jen


  1. It is so difficult sometimes to be thankful for what we have. It's all too easy for us to get embroiled in certain aspects of our lives that just take over, it leads us to forget the most simplest of things that really matter.

    I 'try' to be thankful every day, for the littlest things I have had the pleasure to experience in that day. It is hard though. I think it's easier at the end of the day, I often reflect on the day I've had, what I've taken from it, what I have given it, what I can do that will make tomorrow more positive/productive etc,

    I'm thankful for the fact that every day that passes I get that little bit wiser, that little bit more carefree and have shed a little more of my worries. In the longer term, I'm thankful for the problems I have encountered in my life that have caused utter strife and heartbreak, but I bear the scars with pride as it's the markings of my strength and courage. Charlotte. xx

  2. Thank you for the lovely and very true comment. You're right it's the little things that are the most important, a beautiful sunrise or sunset, hearing a song you love on the radio. Xxxx


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