Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Ups & Downs

Sorry for the lack of posts over the last couple of weeks, I'd like to say I've been very busy and important but well you get the picture. 

Following my session with my Psychologist when she suggested that I need mood stabilizers rather than an anti-depressant I saw my GP who has agreed with her. I'm now waiting for an appointment with a Psychiatrist as interestingly GPs are not allowed to prescribe stabilizers. My concern is after my last experience with a psychiatrist where I was told there was barely anything wrong with me, I was "over-anxious" and "Didn't fit into society" (he then followed this up with a letter to my GP containing nothing that we'd discussed and suggesting I was OCD), is that yet again I'll have had my hopes raised of getting a proper diagnosis and help  and basically made to feel like a waste of time and hypochondriac.
I'm getting on ok with my Venlafaxine that my GP has asked me to take in the mean time, it's helped my anxiety massively and I'm only getting what I like to refer to as 'big spikes' once or twice a week. My mood is still all over the place, I've been keeping graphs of my mood each day going from -10 (Incredibly depressed) to +10 (Manic high) and there is a hell of a lot of fluctuation each day.

The last few days have been more of a low (helped by mother nature's lovely monthly hormones) and I've found it a real struggle. But hopefully progress is around the corner.

It's not been all bad over the last week though. Those of you who know what a technophobe I am will be impressed to know that I'm now in possession of a BlackBerry Z10 handset which is entirely touchscreen (unfortunately for Helen this has meant she's been on the receiving end of some rather odd mis-spelt messages).

The phone does have a good camera and comes with photo editing software -

Carparks never looked so classy don't ya think?

I've also been practicing my photography more and gotten a few pics I'm really pleased with (if you have Arachnophobia look away now)
Yep still into leaves

It took me about 10 minutes of standing at the side of the road to get this!


I've also been contacted by Mind who want me to be a guest blogger this month and will be publishing my blog about Bullying! I'm really excited! I'll let you know when I know the date!

I also had the long awaited trip to the Pompeii & Herculaneum exhibition at the British Museum with Mum, Helen & Rach. It was a brilliant day, we started off in Covent Garden and went to the Byron Burger branch there after we enjoyed the Greenwich one so much. 

Oh yes I snapped this on the way past Gatwick

Here are a few Covent Garden pics -

The exhibition itself was fantastic, it's staggering how well preserved some of the artifacts were especially the statues that barely had a scratch on them!

The British Museum

I love the roof of the museum

Me & Rach

I took the opportunity to snap a few more photos on the way back -

I may also have accidentally purchased some MAC lippies in the Covent Garden store .... sort of thing that could happen to anyone .....

I've also been making lots of Halloween deccies for Emma's party -

Zero from Nightmare Before Christmas

Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas

Obviously Halloween is my favourite time of year for dressing! I love that for a day everyone dresses as freakily as me!

I've ordered various costume bits so far like this jacket and blouse -

I also have a corset and cute skull & rose print skirt on the way too!

I'm also planning on making some Halloween jewellery to put on my Folksy site :) 

Love Jen


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