Saturday, 5 October 2013

Time To Go To War

This is my battle costume, pretty nifty I think don't you?

Over the last few days my depression has been giving me a real kicking. This morning I lay in bed and the feelings were so overwhelming that I just wanted to vapourise ‎and disappear to anywhere where the feelings and thoughts couldn't get at me anymore. 

Something snapped though, i've looked at the cuts on my arm (I'd managed to go nearly 3 months without cutting myself which doesn't sound much but in a self-harmer's world boy that's a long time), the reading on the scales showing that i've gotten disgustingly heavy and the general gloom i'm radiating to Helen and my family and I realised this really cannot go on.

So I have a choice I can either roll over and die (literally if this morning's feelings were anything to go by) or I can turn round and give depression a damn good kicking of it's own. Whilst Bridget Jones chose "vodka and Chaka Khan" (which of course may still be an option) I choose trying to claw my life back before it's too late. 

I'm going to war against my depression and I intend to win. So feel free to make 'Team Jenni' t-shirts and banners but please god no styrofoam hands..... Miley's kinda killed that one now.

Love Jen


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