Tuesday, 20 August 2013

In Defence Of Twitter

It's fair to say that Twitter & Facebook are getting a bit of a bashing at the moment. Every day there are stories in the media about trolling & abuse and the general evils of social media.

Whilst the media is quite right to report on the problems of social media and to point people in the direction of help and support, I feel that someone should give Twitter et all a bit of backing.

Firstly it's not the sites themselves but the people using them that are the problem. Sadly the internet has made it far easier for the dregs of society to put their energy into hurting others and making them miserable. As a victim of cyber bulling myself I am not in any way dismissing the trolling activities that go on. My 'troll' (for want of a better description) even set up a dedicated account purely to tweet hateful comments at me and me alone. I guess I should have been honoured, not everyone gets their own personal stalking troll! But it is incredibly hard to know that out in cyberspace is someone who's sole aim is to make you miserable.

However on the flip side during that particular experience the support I received from other friends on Twitter and on Facebook where I posted screenshots of the abuse (Bullies rely on your silence …. I'm not a particularly silent person as you may have noticed) was amazing. Even to the extent of people tweeting the troll on my behalf telling him/her/it to leave me alone. I ended up closing the account that I received the abuse on and setting up the one I now waffle at you from as a fresh start.

I have both a Facebook & a Twitter account but I'm definitely more of a Twitter girl. I post photos and the occasional (obviously incredibly witty) status on Facebook but that's about it, I don't really get all the games and apps on there now. However when most of my friends were at Uni Facebook & Myspace were a great way to keep in touch and up to date with what was happening.

I like Twitter as it's instant and (on the whole) fun and I've had accounts since early 2009. Some people take it far too seriously but if you're tweeting with a sense of humour you should be ok. Twitter has proved a fantastic tool for communication around the world, look at the Arab Uprising in 2011 that was nicknamed the 'Twitter Revolution' whether you agree with the views or actions of the protestors you have to admit it was amazing that people were able to share in a way impossible a few short years ago.

For me it's also a brilliant way to keep up to date with bands or musicians I like (or indeed the unintentionally hilarious Zak Bagans from Ghost Adventures – seriously check out @Zak_Bagans for some light entertainment). I feel lucky as my favourite bands take time to chat to their fans on Twitter and it's a massive buzz when you get a reply from your favourite band or they tell you that they like a piece of art you've created inspired by them.

The best experience I've gained from social media though is the friends I've made. If it wasn't for both me and Helen being 'tagged' in the same photo of a 30 Seconds To Mars sticker that a mutual friend spotted on holiday (and subsequently taken over the comments chatting) we'd never have met. I can genuinely say that imagining life without her now terrifies me. She's the big sister I've always wanted and has supported me through so much. But without that photo we'd never have chatted and met up. I've met other wonderful people through Bunny Worship on twitter (yes my girls do have an account @EstelleEsme) there's Kay who is a beautiful, inspirational lady. Tiffany minion to the mighty @GenBunnyparte who is also now mine & Helen's penpal, Maddie with her gorgeous fur (and feather) babies and so many others who make me smile on a daily basis.

Love Jen


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

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