Thursday, 16 May 2013

New Tattoo!

Hello sorry I've been missing in action for a few weeks. Unfortunately my depression & anxiety have been really really bad and I'm in a pretty low patch at the moment. I didn't want to come on here and vent and complain as that would defeat the object of my blog which is to find some light amongst the dark.

However I'm feeling a little better today and ready to report on my week off last week! I started the week off by getting a new tattoo of a Kingfisher & a Swallow. Like all my body art they have meaning.

The kingfisher is a celebratory tattoo for my Grandma who has just been given the all-clear from cancer, she loves kingfishers and they always remind me of her. The kingfisher is standing on a rose blossom branch which is in memory of my late Grandma who always loved roses.

The swallow has been done in the Rockabilly style I adore and is bright and colourful. I chose a swallow to remind me of summers when I was a kid and used to spend hours laying in the garden watching the Swallows, House Martins & Swifts flying around. Whenever they arrive each year it means summer is coming. It's to remind me that there is always a sunny day on it's way. The cherries being carried by the swallow represent Helen as she adores cherries but also brings joy & light into my life.

I am over the moon with my new additions and have plans for so many more. I always get asked by people "what happens when you get old/don't like them any more?" And to be honest I don't care. My various tattoos give me a tiny shred of self-confidence. I am super-self concious about my flabby arms, the self-harm scars and the teenage spots that never went away that cover them. Now I have these pretty distractions that take my mind off for a moment or two. It also means that I have a permanent reminder of my loved ones and they are always with me.

Now what to have tattooed on me next .......

Love Jen


Ps piccies of London & the Bunference to follow on the next blogs xxxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

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