Monday 10 June 2024

Duxford 'D Day 80' Airshow Review


It's time for the first airshow review of the year! Last week was really busy for two of my favourite activities airshows and concerts (you can read all about how I got onstage with my favourite band 30 Seconds To Mars here ) add in my birthday and you can understand why I'm still knackered 😂. My last visit to Duxford was back in September last year for the Battle Of Britain airshow so I was raring to go again.

The theme for the show was the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D Day and the line-up reflected this with plenty of warbirds with a focus on the Dakotas over the weekend. 

An early start on the coach

Luckily I was able to fuel up

When we arrived I headed into the AirSpace hanger as it holds lots of my favourite aircraft.

Victor Bomber

Two iconic British aircraft - the Lancaster & Mosquito
The Merlin engine that powered them alongside Spitfires, Hurricanes & Mustangs

They make such a beautiful sound that I named a rabbit after them 😂

Miss Merlin

And not to forget the similarly aviation named Maverick & Mustang!



The fighter squadron

Back to the show, I decided since it was a beautiful day to stay outside as I've visited the other hangers on multiple occasions. This turned out to be the right decision as I was able to see some Dakotas departing.

The aircraft on the flightline glinted beautifully in the sunshine, especially the Flying Bulls DC6 & B25.



Sally B

As an IWM Member I settled myself into the VIP area for the rest of the day.

Of course Corney came

He spent his pocket money on a Red Arrows outfit to wear for the rest of the airshow season

Showing it off whilst inspecting my Mars bandana

The flying display kicked off with a series of flypasts from two Dakotas. 

Parachutists were of course a huge part of the D Day operation and the Army Red Devils were excellent as always. 

There were a few aerobatic acts in the middle of the display including Team Raven 

Early WW2 aviation was on display from the Hawker Fury & Spitfire MK1

There were more Spitfires later on too with a MK9 & clipped wing variations.

We also had American fighters with the Curtis Hawks P39 & P40.

The Flying Bulls put on a lovely elegant display with their DC6 & B25

Navy Wings sent their Swordfish in far better weather than the Battle Of Britain airshow!

Duxford's resident Flying Fortress Sally B flew with P51 Mustang 'Jersey Jerk' which is a new addition to the UK airshow scene this year.

Sally B taxi-ing ready for display

Jersey Jerk over a Dragon Rapide

My favourite display of the day was the fantastic French Rafale. It was so great to see and hear a really noisy jet display so early in the season. 

"Let's turn and burn!"

Unfortunately due to a slight mix up with the coach times we were collected well before the end of the show meaning I only saw a short amount of the Blenheim display.

And only saw the Red Arrows from the motorway

You can watch the show highlights here -

Despite missing the end of the show it was still a great day and the perfect beginning to a *hopefully* sunny and dry airshow season.

Love Jen

Duxford Battle Of Britain Airshow Review

  On Saturday I went to my final airshow of the year  Duxford's  famous Battle Of Britain airshow and I have to say it was probably the ...