Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Presenting! Eos' Guide To Christmas! 🎄🐾

 *Woofles, squeaks & butt wiggles* 

Hello it's me Eos! Jenni says I can take over her blog to write all about how much I like Christmas decorations (but not as much as I like tennis balls and cheese).

In my efforts to reduce her Grinchliness I always drag Jenni (and Mummy but she likes Christmas) towards any Christmas displays that I see because I like all the colours, the sparkles and the smells (but I don't like the shrieking small humans ruining my Christmas peace). 

One of my favourite Christmas displays is at Hillier's Garden Centre (and I get to sniff all the other interesting garden centre smells and sometimes Jenni shares the cream from her scones with me).

I'm ready to go in

I had lots of fun sniffing everything and I made Jenni buy my Auntie No an advent calendar with foxes on that look like ginger versions of me. Jenni and Auntie No call them Ginger Nos.  

Jenni said I should put a photo in of Mummy and Auntie No so that people know what they look like so here we are at the park!

But now back to the Christmas!

Having a good sniff

I loved this Reindeer and so did Jenni but Mummy said we couldn't have it 😞

Ooooh pretty lights

Yep I definitely think Jenni needs another wreath for her room

I went to my favourite park Princes Park earlier (it's my favourite because we always throw my ball there) and they had some pretty lights in the cafe there called The Perch (Mummy, Jenni and Auntie No always eat cake there but ssssh don't tell anyone). We're having a Christmas afternoon tea there in a couple of weeks, I hope it includes cheese!

I hope you liked my first Christmas blog, if you did then tell Jenni to let me post more!

*Lick* Lick* Lick*


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