Tuesday, 21 April 2020

#MeAt20 Challenge

You might have seen on my Instagram (@jenraefrances )  the other day that I decided to take part in the #MeAt20 challenge that was doing the social media rounds and I thought why not have a chuckle and post some more photos on here?

At this point I have to hold my hands up and admit that this is partly (ok you got me .... mostly) an excercise in vanity, I can re-visit the time that I was a size 8-10, before Anti-Depressants and life in general lead to me ballooning up to a size 20. Whilst I was in no means 'well' during this time at least I still looked good 😆 so to keep the blog lighthearted let's dive in .....

Still rocking my red locks before I finally took the plunge and went black!

By 2007 I'd finally mastered eyeliner!
My friend Lydia and me hanging in my room (please take special notice of the Emily Strange (Is still a thing? I used to have the best bag with her on it), My Chemical Romace and Panic! At The Disco posters!)

My brother and me off to see My Chemical Romance, one of us is more excited than the other ........ (BTW please check out his Instagram @chrisfr as he's an amazing photographer!
Enjoying a cocktail obvs
With my friend Gemma, I still have lipstick this colour ......
I think this hat cost me about £3 in the Primark men's sale but I wore it to death
In 'fancy dress' aka the full goth look that I didn't have the guts to wear on a regular night out. Please also note that I have accidentally accessorised my wrist band with my tights ðŸ˜‚
Off bowling for my 20th birthday (No I have no idea why I'm wearing sunglasses indoors)
At the bar with Hilary, nothing really changes ..
At my favourite pub The Gilderidge (affectionately known as 'The Gilly'), it was the only pub in town with decent music on the jukebox (ask your parents kids) and as you can see served very strange coloured drinks. It's now a Next, sad times 😌

I still haven't grown out of a good face pull when the camera is pointed my way!

Here are a few from Reading Festival 2007. It was the second time we'd been (the first was in 2005 at the end of college) and the weather was shockingly good! Over the weekend I saw Panic! At The Disco, The Gossip, Razorlight, Ash, Eagles Of Death Metal and somehow managed to sleep through Funeral For A Friend but I may never get over my disappointment of how god awful the Red Hot Chilli Peppers were. I still struggle to listen to them now. 

On the way to the festival, in defence of my braids I knew at the time they'd look stupid but they were the most practical option when hair washing wasn't going to happen for a few days ... yuck!
Left with the luggage
Meeting the local wildlife, the festival site is actually next to one of the UK's largest swan sanctuary's so naturally there are no swans whatsoever in this photo!
I also want to give a shout out to this dress. It was my favourite non-black item of clothing and I wore it until I could no longer squeeze into it. I like to think that someone picked it up in the charity shop and is still having as much fun in it as I used to.

Possibly the last time I did anything vaguely resembling sport (still managed to wear a skull print top though)

Pink Skulls are still my idea of girly dressing
If you want to wear black then might I suggest adding a brightly coloured cocktail to liven things up.
Summer goth style
Pub time! I really loved doing the red and black eyeshadow, I still have the colours for it, when this lockdown is finally over I might have to re-create this.

Off to see Alice Cooper
Lydia, Hilary and me, I used to love curling my hair. 

Off to see Metallica with Gemma and my brother

More colourful drinks with my friend Alli
I think this snap is the perfect way to end as it was taken at 30 Seconds To Mars' Hammersmith Apollo gig, who knew they'd still be my favourite band now? 😱 

I know a lot of people posting to the #MeAt20 thread have been finding their past fashion choices cringy but to be honest I loved how I dressed then and if I could still get into those same clothes they would still be adorning me today. For a while I did go in a more vintage/rockabilly direction with my dressing but it never felt quite 'me' in the same way goth/emo/punk (however you want to label it) dressing does. I also find that 'alternative' dressing is often tied tightly in with the Rock/Indie (whatever you want to call it) music scene and I do love a band shirt (thankfully they do those in fatty size!). Even when I'm just out walking the dog I'm normally in a band hoodie of some kind.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed having a look back along memory lane with me, I'd love to see some of your old photos too ( find me on Twitter @jenraefrances ).

Love Jen

Friday, 17 April 2020

When will we finally learn to #BeKind?

I don't know about anyone else at the moment who's also struggling with mental illness during the lockdown but from what I've seen on social media there seems to be a real backlash from the Great British Public towards conversations around people's mental struggles at the moment. The recent #BeKind trend on social media seems to have gone out of the window to be replaced with something much nastier.

The worst recepient of this kind of abuse I've seen in the last couple of days is the singer Sam Smith, a long time advocate for mental health and who has spoken about their  (they have asked for gender neutral pronouns to be used) own mental illness, who broke down during an Instagram post due to the effect the lockdown is having on their mental health. Below I've screen shot a straw poll of responses I've seen on Twitter (I've neglected to include those that were just looking for an excuse to hurl homophobic and transphobic abuse at them). 

Thankfully there were some who defended them.

From the responses above there seem to be two themes to people's criticism. Firstly that because they are successful and rich they should somehow be immune to mental illness. Now I'm not a scientist or biologist and really not all that intelligent but I do know that the symptoms of mental illness come from the brain's transmitting pathways becoming interrupted in some cases or certain chemicals becoming unbalanced in others. In fact there are some fascinating scans that show how brain builds can slightly differ between different conditions as detailed in the photo below.

This of course points to the symptoms being of a physical origin and unfortunately I'm pretty sure that however many millions someone may or may not have in the bank they can't be used to re-wire something that's already broken. Just because a broken brain isn't seen it doesn't make it any less valid than having say a broken leg. I would be interested to see if a famous face was to complain about a physical ailment if they would be subjected to the same abuse?.

The second theme I picked up was the comparison between the efforts of the fantastic Captain Moore a 99 year old army veteren who has raised over £14 million (last time I checked) for the NHS by doing laps of his garden, and Sam Smith's tearful reaction on their video. I have to be careful here as I in no way want to cast any disrespect upon Captain Moore, a genuine hero and gentlemen who frankly deserves a knighthood, but I find it quite distasteful that his achievements are being used to attack another human being's response to this situation and being the pleasent man he seems to be I imagine he would feel the same. 

Whilst I'm not going to get into the use of the 'snowflake' term which winds me up so much (perhaps that means I am one? Well I've been called far worse let's be honest! ) the mocking of Sam's tears and underlying suggestion that they are somehow weak in their reaction is typical of the stigma still associated with mental illness. 

This is the very bedrock that the stigma charities and experts have been fighting for years to break down, is built on. The shaming of those of us who struggle to cope because our brains don't work in the same way a large portion of the population's do. There are some really great strides being made by charities such as RethinkMind and Time To Change
And of course the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge's Every Mind Matters initiative. Unfortunately the torch and pitchforks on Twitter show that we have a long way still to go. 

Be kind everyone. 

Love Jen

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...