Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Introducing Eos!

Ok it's not much of an introduction as most of you guys who are friends with me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter will have had their timelines spammed with photos of the new addition to our family 😁.

So without further ado allow me to introduce Miss Eos!

Eos is a Border Collie born on 3rd March 2019. Dad and I first met her when she was 4 weeks old.

A Pile Of Puppies! Eos (well her butt and tail) is on the far right
She was the same size as Dad's foot
My first cuddle
A couple of weeks later Mum came along to visit with us!

We couldn't believe how much she'd grown already (Eos not Mum!)
More tiny puppy cuddles

I was immediately impressed by her ability to nap instantly!
Eos' Mum is the pretty doggy on the left
Eos' name come from the Greek Goddess Eos who is the goddess of the dawn and a new day (NOT the camera make!). An ironic name really seeing as we've spent the last few months up at the crack of dawn with her!

Finally the big day arrived and on Sun 28th April little Eos officially joined our family!

On the way home (shortly before she was sick on me!)
So this is my living room now?
Meeting Auntie Helen (Aka Auntie NO) for the first time

It's amazing how she's gone from a little, fat barrel on legs to a long, sleek doggy on very spindly legs! 

Not quite sure how this thing works ...
It must be time for another nap right?

"What doing?"

This was the first time she went to the bottom of the garden so she could see the outside world before she had her final jabs and could be unleashed on the world!

Naturally for such a cute puppy Eos has an adoring audience of people queuing up to visit her ....

Uncle Chris and Auntie Vana
Auntie Rach (aka Future Mother-In-Law)
Auntie Amanda (With Auntie NO)

She's also more than happy to provide home visits, especially to 'The Palace'

Eos has also been to puppy classes that are just round the corner from us and actually passed (even though on the day of the exam she kept refusing to do anything and was hellbent on being a disruptive influence with her BFF Rose the Lab!).

Told you I could do it Mum

To celebrate everyone passing the course her puppy class Eastbourne Dog Training Club organised for us all to go to Freedom Field. Freedom Field is great as it's totally enclosed with loads of toys and agility equipment for all the doggies to play on.

Queen of the castle

A taste of some agility

One of the best things about having Eos is thinking of places to take her now that she can go out for short walks, it's like re-discovering places that I've taken for granted through her eyes. 

In her favourite patch of long grass near Pevensey Castle
We love the beach

One of my favourite places to take her is the Love All  tennis cafe in Gilderidge Park. The park itself is great for dog walkers and the cafe is always so friendly and accommodating plus their scones are amazing! 

I think the biggest suprise for us all has been how well Eos and Esme have gotten on. As my regular readers will know Esme is my beloved Mini Lop who also doubles over as the world's grumpiest rabbit and loves everyone except me! Esme has been totally accepting of Eos, although of course Eos is only allowed near Esme's hutch with one of us supervising and never in her run or near an open hutch door. 

I often wonder what they're talking about .......

Please throw the ball for me Esme!

Eos has settled in so well and it's hard to imagine life without her here, even when I do still have the odd "Er there's a dog in the living room" moments.

We also hope that one day she'll  grow into her ears .....

Love Jen

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...