Monday, 9 July 2018

Mental Illness Costs Me Once Again

We had an e-mail at work today to confirm that the staff in the hospital with finally be getting their much-deserved pay rise and backdated pay (until April 2018). After god knows how many years of wages being frozen the staff are finally getting their reward.

But obviously with any good news comes a catch. I work on the TWS (Temporary Workforce) which makes me a temp as my hours aren’t guaranteed, I’m lucky in that I have hours in the Secretarial Admin 4 days a week. However despite working 30 hours a week I’ll get neither a pay rise or any backdated pay (to be honest I wasn’t expecting any backdated pay). The lack of a pay rise really stings though.

I’m not going to sit here and rant about my lack of pay rise, it is what it is, what’s really upset me is that yet again my health has put me at a disadvantage.

The reason that I work the way I do is because my mental illnesses interrupt my working life so much, making a full-time job impossible. Even if I was to apply for a ‘proper’ job I’d be immediately disqualified by the amount of sickness I’ve had in previous jobs and this one. I hate that my stupid brain is causing me to earn less than what I believe I should be entitled to, I work damn hard for 8 hours a day through really bad brain episodes but still lose out.

I hate that my mental illness is affecting my life so negatively financially once more. I earn a pittance as it is and it’s a good week when I have more than £10 left over after bills and food shopping for ‘me’. I know many of you will be thinking “Why doesn’t she stop complaining and go and work in Tesco?” well let me put it to you this way, any kind of job adjustment sends me into a spiral of fear and OCD and my personality disorder goes haywire. Do you seriously not think I’d have pursued my journalism dream if my health only let me?

But no as per normal I’m stuck in the mud of my stupid brain.

Love Jen


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