Wednesday, 23 May 2018

The link between contraception and mental illness

When I saw this post on Buzzfeed I was overjoyed that finally someone else has shared my experience of birth control badly affecting my mental health.

I first went on 'the pill' at 18. I took Cerazette which is taken every day constantly. It went OK for the first month or so but after being on it for about 4 months my mood dived and I went into a deep depression that lasted for years.

Back in 2015 I was referred to Gynae for bad periods and horrible stabbing pain during ovulation. The Dr I saw recommended the coil and dismissed my concerns about the effect it would have on my mental health. I had to ask 3/4 times and eventually he told me that "it will be fine as the hormones will be localised" and insisted that I have the coil.

Almost immediately after I had it inserted I had the worst 6 months of OCD in my life. I spent every day in an agony of fear, to the point of shaking some days. I worked out pretty quick that it must have been the coil causing it as although my OCD had been pretty bad beforehand this was off the scale. I ended up having to demand it's removal which was grudgingly done with the consultant still insisting that it wasn't affecting me in that way.

Mental health and contraception needs to be spoken about more. Women are pretty much told to put up and shut up when it comes to birth control, it's part of a wider issue that needs more than a short blog to debate.

There needs to be a far wider public awareness and discussion about hormones and the effect they have on our mental states.

I hope eventually that no-one has to suffer the crippling problems that I did.

Love Jen

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