Thursday, 25 January 2018

Sweet Dreams (Aren't) Made Of This

They say that dreams reveal a lot about what’s on our mind, either the brain sorting through the day’s events or revealing more deep-seated thoughts and emotions. I’m someone who’s lucky/unlucky enough (depending on how you look at it) to remember 90% of my dreams and can even recall dreams from years ago.

The last week or so all I seem to have are horrible dreams culminating in me either waking up crying or in a sweat (yeah sorry about that). The dreams carry over into my mood for the rest of the day and leaving me quite low if I’m honest.

Last night’s was a particularly lovely example. I dreamt that I had hung out with a friend and this guy and later on he rang me asking me to go to the prom. In the conversation I didn’t believe him and asked if it was a joke (like a school when boys used to ask me out and then laugh in my face if I said yes). Then said “Why do you like me? I’m fat” followed by “Boys don’t like me”. I don’t know how it turned out as I was woken up by my phone alarm blasting ‘Walk On Water’ (thank god for 30STM!).

It’s no mystery where that dream came from, I’ve never received any positive male attention ever (I did all the pursuing with my ex) and although I’ve lost a few kilos I am still very fat.

Not looking forward to going to sleep again.

Love Jen


Monday, 15 January 2018

Jen's (Occasional) Book Club

I wanted to write a post to celebrate finally getting back into reading after years in the literary wilderness.

When I was a kid I permanently had my nose in a book, at Primary School my teachers speculated that I'd end up being an author as I loved creative writing. Unfortunately after completing my English Language & Literature A-Level I was left unable to read more than the back of a cereal packet after years of analysing the language of texts, commenting on every single use of grammar (A colon can make all the difference believe me!).

I could dip in and out of books and magazines, my main reading was done during the Saturdays I was working at CMS as my boyfriend didn't like me reading around him, apparently it was required for me to sit and watch him play computer games but reading was offensive even when I was sat right next to him.

Now I've finally pushed myself back into my Kindle/Book, due in most part to my best friend Helen's love of reading and also the excitement around my friend Gemma finally releasing her first book (more of that later).

I wanted to share with you some of the books that have put the joy back into reading for me.

Gail Carriger - Etiquette & Espionage

When I was initially trying to get back into reading Helen suggested that I try Young Adult fiction and this was the perfect book for me. It covers my love of Steampunk, girl power, a Daschund called Bumbersnoot and an exploding wicker chicken! What more could you want? The Souless series by Gail is also worth a read too.

Erin Morgenstern - The Night Circus

I absolutely adore this book, I've re-read it a number of times now and it just never gets old. The description of the circus and it's occupants is quite frankly magical. The way that Erin uses words to paint a picture is beautiful. I really hope she writes something again soon.

F Scott Fitzgerald - The Beautiful & The Damned

The Great Gatsby is my favourite book (joint with Alice's Adventures In Wonderland obviously) with it's description of the decadence of the 1920s but also it's darker side. The Beautiful & The Damned goes a little further into the darker side and explores what it's like when the party is over.

David Hepworth - 1971 & Uncommon People

David Hepworth is a music journalist and naturally follows the advice of "write about what you know". I couldn't choose between these two as I love them equally. 1971 documents the year that the music scene changed forever with so many different genres coming into popular music and the release of some era-defining (and one could argue genre-defining) albums. Uncommon People is about the 'rock & roll stars' it focuses on one day a year and tells the story of what, for example, David Bowie was doing that day that was notable. Both are really good reads if, like me, you're obsessed with music.

Sylvia Patterson - I'm Not With The Band

Sylvia Patterson's book is a memoir of her time as a music journalist from the late 80s to the present day and re-ignited my dream of being a music journalist (although sadly I think this is the closest I'm ever going to get). Rock n Roll debauchery at it's finest!

Lizzy Goodman - Meet Me In The Bathroom

This book is about the New York music scene from the early 00's until 2011. I initially found it a little hard going as it's written almost as if it was the transcript of a conversation but once I got into it I loved it. There are so many fun anecdotes from artists such as The Strokes, Interpol, LCD Soundsystem, The White Stripes and many more.

Gemma Humphrey Revelation: Trinity Part 1

Whilst I know I technically have a vested interest in this book as Gem is a great friend of mine I genuinely really enjoyed this book. It's Young Adult fiction at it's very best, the descriptions of Cambridge University and especially the Summer Ball really paints a picture in the reader's head. It challenges pre-conceived notions of good and evil without losing it's light touch and humour.

I'd love to know what books you guys are enjoying at the moment, drop me a tweet or find me on Instagram both at @jenraefrances.

Love Jen

Monday, 1 January 2018

2017 (Mostly) In Pictures

Hi guys rather than doing a boring "The year that was" blog I wanted to sum up the year in photos rather than too many words. Because a picture paints a 1000 words and will suffice when certain things that have happened this year are too painful to put into words. I'm referring of course to burying my best friend at the at the start of the year which carried the pain from the end of 2016 straight into 2017 and of course the loss of my beautiful, beautiful Stelly.

My heart is still utterly broken from the loss of one of my two beautiful daughters. Here's Stelly doing what she did best, posing!

I was worried after she died about how Esme would cope but she's actually done really well, she's become really snuggly and loving!

I turned 30 this year and celebrated with an Alice In Wonderland themed tattoo and of course a party!

My Alice tattoo
Party time!
I've had lots of fun this year pursuing my creative passions, namely photography and cross-stitch.

The cross-stitch I did for Chris & Vana's new home!

This year's Christmas cards

A badge and necklace that I sewed for Green Day's O2 gig (more of that later!)
As always sunsets were a focus

With optional sunflower
Dad and I also had our traditional trip to watch the sun come up on the summer solstice

Sunrise over Eastbourne

Dad enjoying early morning golf
Funfair lights
My first attempt at photographing shooting stars (mostly thanks to Chris' help!)

I had some great days out with family and friends that meant to got to snap some pretty pictures!

Helen & I at Southover Gardens in Lewes, one of my favourite photo spots

A little friend I made
The Bluebell Walk
Batemans on a hot August day -

Helen can walk on water!

Mum and Me

Helen & I on the search for scones in Bath
Bath Cathedral

Royal Crescent
We finally made it to Sheffield Park to see the Autumn colours after years of meaning to go!

Mum and Helen

Mum, Helen and I also had a day out in Winchester checking out their Christmas Markets 

Winchester Cathedral

A pretty stall

Back in February I got to see one of my favorite bands Green Day at the O2 (with pre-show drinks with Tone and Kaylee naturally!)

Mum and I also saw the Kaiser Chiefs in Brighton-

It was a brilliant year for plane geekery too, largely due to going to RIAT at last! I won't bore you with all the geekery but you can read all about it here


The Red Arrows

F22 Raptor

My favourite plane the Tornado!

Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight
Airbourne was super fun too -

P51 Mustang

The star of the show the Belgian Airforce F16

Rich Goodwin's 'muscle plane'

Typhoon over the pier

Another airshow first for me this year was Duxford Airshow. I'd been to the museum last year when Dad had his Spitfire flight.

An attempt at a selfie with the Lancaster


Hawker Fury

Spitfires & Gloucester Gladiator

A few family photos -
Bowling for Dad's birthday
Grandma's first selfie!
Corney assisting Helen with her birthday cake (made by Hayley)
Mum turned 60 this year and we celebrated by a bowling trip and also a cake made by my friend Hayley 

How amazing?

Dad, Mum and Chris

Halloween came to the Richardson household


Christmas Time -

Christmas Eve drinks
Vana and me (please do note my special Christmas dress!)
Chris and me
Some of the best days of the year came when Uncle Ken visited for Christmas -

Of course the family event of the year was Chris & Vana's wedding. It was a beautiful Autumn day and I loved every second of it (and this is coming from someone who normally hates weddings!) and who thought that Dad would be the first to cry?

The calm
Me, Chris and Mum
Dad, Mum and Me
Helen and Me
Helen with Grandma & Grandad
Uncle Les, Me, Auntie Sandra, Grandma and Grandad
The gorgeous couple
Chris, Vana and Grandad
The Richardson men
The Richardson ladies
The 'Mrs Richardsons'

Of course this year was another one of class and refinement for my friends and me .....
Cinqo De Mayo!

Hilary and Me

Lydia and Me
Amanda, Corney & Helen before Amanda and me headed off to see The Killers!
Me, Lydia, Luke & Hilary at Luke's 30th
Lydia, Barry & Hilary
 Luke and I went to Drag-Con in August -

Train drinks FTW!
Mojito on the move

At the Drag Ball
Hayley's last day in the office *sniff*
Char, Ash & Me on a night out
Bringing some Halloween vibes to the office
Char & Me
Bente came over to visit in November and we had a lovely day in London
The Gastro Christmas 'do - Jude, Char, Hayley & Me
A date night in Brighton with Hilary
Luke, Lydia & me Christmas drink shopping
Jamie, Me, Luke, Lydia, Barry & Hilary at the annual Christmas party at Casa Del Pacamac
Char, Karen, January, Corney and me having a pre-Christmas drink
Office Secret Santa

Thank you all so much for all the fun we've had together this year.

Love you all

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...