Thursday, 28 December 2017

2017 In Music!

It’s time for my annual waffle about my favourite music of the year you lucky people!

Last year’s blog was all about albums I’d loved, 2016 was definitely the year of the album for me, whilst there were a couple of albums I really liked this year , The Killers ‘Wonderful Wonderful’ was a highlight but it was a more a year for singles and gigs.

Way back in February I saw Green Day at the O2, all I can say is wow! I’d seen them before but once again they blew me away. I named their Revolution Radio album as my favourite album of 2016 and they played a large chunk of it whilst also fitting in older songs including ‘Jesus Of Suburbia’ eliciting a squeal of joy from me that terrified my friend Tone who was unlucky enough to be on the receiving end (sorry mate).

It was in far warmer conditions that Amanda and I saw The Killers in Hyde Park on one of the hottest weekends in July. Aside from Elbow, possibly one of the most boring support acts I’ve ever seen, it was fantastic. As with Green Day I’ve loved The Killers since college and their ‘Hot Fuss’ album is still one of my ‘Desert Island Discs’ purely for the good memories it brings back. They bought the Vegas glitz to London along with a lot of lasers! I’d not seen them since leaning on an ice cream van to watch them at Reading Festival 2005 and I finally got to hear “Read My Mind” & “Shot At The Night” live!

As I mentioned above 2017 was a year of really good singles (in my opinion), these are my pick –

Song of the year –

30 Seconds To Mars – Walk On Water

They’ve been away far too long and whilst this is a real departure from their older stuff I still fell in love at first listen. I can’t wait to see them again in March and will hopefully be naming their forthcoming album as one of my favourites of 2018!

A very close second –

The Man – The Killers 

I have to confess I actually didn’t like this on the first listen but it’s a real grower. I love the swagger to it, it’s a really fun 80s throwback of a song.

Honourable mentions –

The Cure – Lady GaGa (One month and 11 days until Luke and I see her!)

Sia – Cheap Thrills

Nadia Rose – Skwod

Pink – What About Us?

Royal Blood – I Only Lie When I Love You

Foo Fighters – Run

Taylor Swift - …. Ready For It

Green Day – Too Dumb To Die

That’s it for 2017, I’d love to hear from you guys about what music has made up the soundtrack to your years.

I’m excited to see what 2018 brings!

Love Jen


Ps If I never hear that damn Despacito song again I shall consider it a Christmas miracle!

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