Friday, 7 April 2017

The Art Of Winning

Today I’ve been thinking about winning, I’m not quite sure why it’s popped into my head (fear not I am not having a crazed Charlie Sheen “winning” moment, I have no Tiger Blood on me officer!) but I’ve been thinking about what winning means to different people.

The obvious first answer to that is the winning of a prize be it in something you’ve worked hard to excel in such as a sport or an award that others have nominated you in to recognise the quality of your work. Another one would be winning something through luck such as the lottery, or the time I won Southern FM Party In The Park Pit Passes *nostalgic tear* . Wins can be life changing in so many different ways,  they could mean that you’re top of your profession or that you’ll never have to worry about finance ever again and can go on that holiday you’ve always dreamt of.

I think everyday life is full of small opportunities to win, I don’t mean spending a spare £1 on a scratch card on the way home from work because your day can’t get any worse (guilty!) but small achievements that can be made every day. After my blog earlier this week confessing to the tough time I’m having at the moment I had so much support coming my way from texts to tweets to Facebook messages. It reminded me how many people I have around me, like a team, and what do teams do? Why they work together to win!

It made me think about the day to day wins that people have, my friend Kay considered every day that she still walked this earth as a win because it meant that she was kicking her cancer’s arse (and boy did she kick it’s arse hard and repeatedly, I will write a blog about her, full of silly stories and lovely photos when I’m ready), someone giving up smoking or alcohol wins every time they don’t have that cigarette or drink, people have won every time they feel the love of their family or friends. I win every time I drag myself into work on one of my really bad days. I win when I chat to my friends. I win when I’m sat in the sunshine watching the girls play on the grass ( a particular achievement is when they look at me without glaring or wearing looks of utter disapproval!), I win when I look forward to things I have coming up; RIAT, The Killers, Lady GaGa, Airbourne (a tour would also be nice 30STM *cough*) and at a most basic level I win when I don’t give in to self-harm or worse.

Life isn’t always about the ‘big wins’ it’s about the little, every day wins that I often overlook when my illness tries to take over. Luckily for me I have a dream team of friends and family around the world to help me fight on.

Be scared brain demons, be very fucking scared.

Love JenX



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