Thursday, 25 August 2016

Autumn Blues

It's coming up to the time of year that I dread. The arrival of Autumn with winter hot on it's heels (or should that be cold on it's heels?). To me Autumn represents the death of the one season of the year that I like. Everything is so much easier in the summer. I benefit from the vitamin D I collect from days and evenings spent in the garden with the bunnies. Doing outdoor things - walking home from work, BBQs, festivals & outdoor gigs, airshows the list goes on. And then Autumn arrives to spoil the party.

People say that Autumn is beautiful, and whilst I agree that the colours are indeed nice they also represent the death of summer. To me summer always metaphorically ends on the Sunday of Airbourne, no matter what the weather does. I know most people have found the weather this week too much but I love it in its muggy, sweaty glory. I don't care what people say, SAD most definitely exists and I suffer from it. The only good point of winter is Halloween.  Not even the September issue of Vogue makes it any easier!

With the start of September comes the inevitable back to school. As you all know for me school was 5 years of hell. The 6 weeks of summer provided blissful respite and a chance at some recovery. When we went on our annual summer holiday to France for the last 2 weeks of August I would always feel a wrench as I knew after those 14/15 days, those 360 hours and 216000 minutes I would be staring down the barrel of 9 and a half months of misery.

September/October are the months that I struggle most with my symptoms, they turn to depression and anxiety and make it hard to see the positive of 7/8 months of grey and rain.

It's the time of year that I'm most likely to be signed off of work. It's the time of year I got royally fucked over at CMS with the Parts Supervisor job, same with when I was working for the CHC Team when the 'Scapegoating Of Jen' really took off.

I'm hoping that we have an Indian summer in the manner of 2014 to try and ease the transition somewhat but it's doubtful since the mere sight of school uniforms lined up in shops makes me feel sick, bringing back so many memories. 

So to those of you who do enjoy this time of year I genuinely hope it's a good Autumn full of colour, misty mornings and cool nights.

I on the other hand will see you next summer!

Love Jen

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Chocks Away! It's Airbourne 2016!

Yep it's finally here! In a few short hours Airbourne 2016 begins! I've been waiting for this ... well pretty much since the 2015 show ended! My regular readers know how excited I get for these 4 days each year, I take the day before off in case anything comes to practice, although I was so knackered from the weekend that an entire squadron of Typhoons could have come over today and I wouldn't have stirred!

So as has been tradition for the 3 years (!) I've been writing this blog it's now time for my Airbourne preview! (by the way if you wanted to read previous year's previews and reviews they are hereherehereherehere and finally here)

First up we have the Red Arrows

Getting close in 2014
Who doesn't love the mighty reds? They never fail to impress and even seasoned geekers like me can't help but "ooh" and "aah" at them. 

Top tip, if you're planning on watching from the downs then keep your eyes peeled for a low flypast. This photo is not zoomed!

Sea Vixen

I love the Sea Vixen, it's a beautiful example of British engineering and has the most gorgeous delta shape. It's been over 10 years since she last visited Eastbourne and I can't wait to see her again!

Shoreham 2011
Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight

There's so much written about the BBMF that I cannot hope to elaborate upon it. The Lancaster will be welcomed warmly back after missing the entirety of last season due to an engine fire. Please take a moment to appreciate the brave 'few' who protected the country during WW2 and gave the ultimate sacrifice. On a purely superficial level you're pretty much guaranteed not to see such beautiful aircraft anywhere else. 

Hurricane last year
Spitfire buzzing us at Beachy Head last year

I love the Typhoon, it's summed up perfectly by it's Twitter hashtag #BringTheNoise. It's fast, it's noisy and it's fun. One of my absolute favourites!

Trailing smoke last year
Great War Display Team

This will be the team's first visit to Eastbourne. They commemorate the airmen of WW1, a time when combat aviation was in it's fledgling stages and the RAF hadn't even been formed! Here are some photos of them at Shoreham Airshow back in 2012 -

The Blenheim made it's Airbourne debut last year. I really enjoyed it, it's an unusual but lovely looking aircraft. 

At Biggin Hill earlier this year


Do I really need to encourage you to watch a Spitfire? This is a two seat trainer variant and is the stablemate of the Spitfire that flew with Dad on Sunday (see today's earlier blog)

Glinting in the sun last year


Sally-B is one of the last B-17 Flying Fortresses to be constructed, she is also a film star having been in the film Memphis Belle, it's not often we get visited by a movie star!

At Biggin Hill earlier this year


I'm really looking foward to seeing the Bronco team, I only saw a small part of their display earlier this year at Biggin Hill whilst hiding from the rain! 

MIG-15 & Vampires

These aircraft are owned and operated by the Norwegian Air Force Historical Squadron. The MIG 15 had an incredibly long service life and is considered to be one of the finest fighters ever built - it regular makes it onto Top 10 lists. The Vampire was in fact commissioned during WW2 and came into service in the early 50s. I particularly like the MIG and Vampires as they always fly in over my house! Who doesn't love a private airshow?

MIG last year
Vampires from Beachy Head last year

Tigers Parachute Team

The Tigers will be opening the show tomorrow, quite literally bringing the show to the people! I would love to give parachuting a try!

Dropping in back in 2014


I'm a sucker for some pyrotechnics so I'm excited to see these guys!

The B25 is making it's Airbourne debut this year, it's an American medium bomber and incredibly maneuverable and fun to watch. 

Shoreham 2014
P51 Mustang

The Mustang is regularly voted the best fighter plane ever produced and it's not hard to see why, they had incredibly long range (they would escort bombers to Germany and back), fantastic firepower and look damn good! Listen out for her 'whistle' caused by the wind rushing over her gun turrets. 

I'm still so pleased with this shot from Shoreham 2014
Jet Provost Duo

The Jet Provost is always fun to watch, it was the RAF's fast jet trailer before the Hawk. I've not seen the duo before so I'm looking foward to them.

Airbourne 2014
Team Raven

I've not seen these guys before but I'm always curious to see a new display team!

This season marks the team's 10th anniversary, it only seems a couple of years ago that I saw them for the first time at Biggin Hill. Over the years their livery and sponsers have changed but what has remained is their fantastic flying display that is always exciting. You can even fly with The Blades, how much fun would that be?

Watch out for their 'Crazy Flying'
Passing really close in 2014

I would love to have a go at wingwalking! Not sure I'd look quite as glamerous on the wing though ....

Airbourne 2014

I'm so excited for the show this year, the weather looks good, the line-up looks good. It's time to head to the beach!

Love Jen

My Dad The Spitflyer

Sunday 7th August 2016, I'm pretty sure that no date in history has been more anticipated within the Richardson household. The day had finally come ..... Dad was going to fly with a Spitfire! 
We were off up to Duxford to meet with the Classic Wings team who would be taking a small group of people, including Dad, up in a vintage Dragon Rapide passenger plane which would be joined in flight by a Spitfire. 

Duxford is about 2 hours drive from here on the South Coast but Vana & I were kept entertained by Chris's commentary on other road user's driving abilities (or lack thereof)... Dad's flight was supposed to be at 11.15 but ended up being pushed back to mid-afternoon due to the strong wind. Not that it mattered as there was so much to see and do around the museum. 

The museum is made up of several aircraft hangers, one of which was accidentally blown up during the filming of Battle Of Britain (co-incidentally one of my favourite films), and workshops full of rare and interesting aircraft and other exhibits. There was too much to photograph everything so here are a few of my 'Hanger Highlights'. 

From the Air & Sea hanger -

A Blackburn Buccaneer (one of the aircraft that Dad and I would most like to see fly)

A Sea Vixen, we'll be seeing one at Airbourne in a couple of days!

Yes that is an SR-71 Blackbird! The fastest plane ever to have flown (unless, like me, you believe in the existence of the Aurora like I do!). The Blackbird is so fast that it has been known to outrun surface to air missiles!

A-10 Warthog

And finally from the AirSpace hanger -

De Havilland Mosquito - the other plane that Dad and I would most like to see fly

I miss the Vulcan so much!

My favourite plane the Tornado!

TSR-2 the greatest plane never to have flown?

There are also some aircraft outside including this beautiful VC-10 -

Duxford is also home to Sally-B 

Chris even found some cars to look at

And anywhere that boasts a play area shaped like a Lancaster Bomber is pretty good in my book -

Whilst we were waiting for Dad's flight we were kept entertained by a Harvard that was doing is CAA Validation Display -

Lucky shot with the moon behind the Harvard

Dad had to go one better and watch from the control tower!

Then it was time for Dad's flight!

Climbing in to the Dragon Rapide

He's up!

Then the Spitfire took off to join them. 

Dad says that the Spitfire couldn't have come in any closer to the Rapide without crashing into it! I've stolen a couple of his photos (un-zoomed!) so you can see how close they were -

Just wow!

Not that I'm jealous you understand!

When the Spitfire came in to land those of us watching from the flight line were treated to a spectacular low pass into a victory roll, seeing a Spitfire in flight never fails to move me. 

Doesn't get much better than an, almost, private Spitfire display!

He's back!
World's biggest smile!

A couple of other photos from the day -

Me & Mum celebrating the best of British - tea and a Spitfire 
Vana, Chris, Mum and Dad
Chris, Me, Mum and Dad

Luckily not pictured are me and Vana attempting to buy ice cream from a van that was actually an exhibit .......................

What a wonderful day and thank you so much to Classic Flight for a unforgettable day for us all.

Love Jen

PS the bar is now set for my 30th next year people!

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...