I'm getting some new tattoos in a couple of days time, one of which is going to be a blue butterfly.
You get the idea |
As with all my body art, aside from being pretty, it has a meaning. Lately, dare I say it, I feel like I'm finally starting to blossom again, much like a butterfly emerging from it's cocoon. Life has started to feel good again for the first time in over a year. I can say now that I honestly didn't think I'd make it to 28 (happy birthday to me by the way - more of that later), the work situation had screwed with my head so much that it set off a chain reaction of crazy moods, OCD flip outs and a lot of cutting. I honestly couldn't see a way out.
I think the big change has been the change in my job at the hospital. Last time I blogged I was working on the main reception, checking people in for appointments etc and to be honest I really disliked it. Whilst it was obviously 100 times better than CHC I just couldn't get into it. I don't particularly like the public and having to plaster a smile on my face 5 days a week, when at times I was still struggling, and getting complained at by rude people wasn't fun. I was starting to feel trapped again and having to drag myself in each day.
Thankfully a new opportunity came up to do admin work in the Endoscopy Dept and now I'm permanently assisting the secretaries in the Paediatric department. It's the kind of admin work that I'm used to, sending letters etc and the big thing is that there's no space for me to make mistakes like I did before - stuff comes pre-addressed so no IG incidents! I also get to nip down to the records library where I used to work at least once a day and see the girls. It's silly but when I'm walking up and down the aisles looking for notes I feel like I've come home.
I had a follow-up appointment with the psychiatrist at the end of April and although my mood was more stable, my OCD was still very bad which was destabilizing my moods further. So he's added an anti-depressant on top of my mood stabilisers and over the last few weeks I have been genuinely feeling the benefit. I'm still having mild, low patches and struggling with my OCD a bit but they're more bearable as I have some mental breathing space now.
I've also made the decision that since last summer sucked pretty bad 'cos of work making me ill, this summer is going to be great! I have fun stuff planned like seeing The Who in Hyde Park on Friday, the aforementioned tattoos, Formula E, visiting Kay for her birthday, Comic Con and a break in London with Helen and of course Airbourne!
It's already been pretty damn good, here's a pictorial round up!
First off here's me and Kay at the London Pet show. |
The pet show was even bigger this year, it had moved to Excel out in the docklands. We enjoyed admiring all the cute bunnies
however we felt that the 'mini lop' was quite inaccurate. It was more of a micro-lop compared to my mini lops!
Mini lops! |
Sleeping lops |
On the same day I got to do something that I didn't think would be on the cards for another couple of years .... I saw 30 Seconds To Mars! I'd assumed that since the tour for the current Love, Lust, Faith & Dreams album had pretty much ended and they were making a new album that we wouldn't see them for some time yet. So imagine my delight when in late April I woke to a tweet announcing a small, accoustic show in London.
The show was amazing, it was in St John At Hackney church (a proper Church Of Mars if you will) and there were only about 500 people. It was just so special, the candles all lit reminded me of Nirvana Unplugged In New York, we were treated to 3 new songs (the next album will be brilliant if they were anything to go by) and I got to hear all my favourites - Kings & Queens, Do Or Die, Closer To The Edge etc. I can't wait for them to come back, according to Jared it should be fairly soon ....................
Me and the congregation |
I carried on the music theme for my 28th birthday party (yes I do feel super old now, 30 is really freaking me out), this year I wanted a nice, chilled out celebration with my nearest and dearest and it was just that.
As you know when I go with a theme for something I don't do it by halves! I wanted to celebrate my passion for music by setting a festival theme and got crafting!
My favourite bands' logos on bunting |
Rock n Roll festival bracelets! |
A little something for me to wear

I got music note plates and serviettes, made VIP passes and purchased some inflatable instruments to set the tone.
Rocking out with Helen, Kay and Corney |
The weather joined in the festival theme with wind and rain ......
Mum, Barry, James, Hilary, Helen, Luke Amanda, Me and Chris
Cutting the cake
Me and Helen also went to the long anticipated
Alexander McQueen exhibition at the V&A. It was absolutely stunning, I had a fangirl moment as the exhibition featured one of Lady GaGa's costumes from the Bad Romance video -
I worship thee GaGa |
I was even allowed to go to the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch :p and of course I had a Hurricane!
Yummy! |
Helen in the Hard Rock |
Jimi Hendrix!!!!
Working off our lunch with a walk in St James' Park
I was also introduced to another new cultural experience when Chris and Vana took me for my first Nandos in Brighton . I was suitably impressed!
Me and Vana |
Me and Chris |
Perusing the menu |
I saw this in Brighton, I feel her pain |
I've managed to get some creative work done too, I really like this photo I took when we had a bonfire -
A post-apocalyptic vibe |
Starting off this summer's insect-photographing
I've also been customising a back pack with loads of cool things like bunny paws, sugar skulls, rockabilly tattoos, moomins and of course Alice In Wonderland!
My plane geeking year got off to a very good start when me and Dad went to Biggin Hill airshow (despite the damp weather - I will never, ever trust the Met Office again!).
Chilly airshow selfie! |
I love this photo, it looks like time has stood still
Clothes Porn!
There was a pretty good mix of aircraft, all airshows are a bit jet-starved at the moment as the RAF are deployed in various theatres around the world. But the organisers did well to get some variety in and keep the show moving despite the weather, it was far worse up country which prevented a lot of stuff coming down to us.
One of the Red Bull Matadors |
The Reds take to the skies
How close?
I was also really chuffed as the
Royal Navy Black Cats helicopter team asked me to email them one of the photos that I took of them that I put on Twitter.
Chuffed! |
The RAF are marking the 75th anniversary of the Battle Of Britain this airshow season. There is a special Typhoon & Spitfire syncro pair.
Wow |
This year's display Typhoon is painted in the markings of a Hurricane -
The light wasn't great for this photo - hopefully it'll be sunnier at Airbourne! |
The most special part of the day was the Red Arrows flying with the Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight's Spitfires and Hurricane to commemorate those who served in the battle but also those serving with the RAF today to defend Britain's skies. It was a beautiful, emotional sight and I was so privileged to witness it.
Best of British |
I'm really hoping that my good vibes I'm feeling at the moment are here to stay. It's finally time to sit back and enjoy the ride!
Love Jen
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