Tuesday, 23 December 2014

The Tail Of Two Norty Bunnies

T'was the third night before Christmas and all through the hutch, not a creature was stirring ... apart from a grey bunny intent on re-enacting the Christmas TV Schedule staple The Great Escape.

What shock and suprise awaited her mother who was greeted by the sight of a huge hole in their run with a grey bottom poking out!

The damage
I can't believe that since I went to say goodnight to them about midnight they've managed to re-enact the Great Escape so spectacularly! After my initial freak out and calling for Dad (who found the whole situation hilarious) I had to chuckle and admire Esme's diligence in her task (and naturally the neat piling of the dirt from the most OCD of bunnies).

Me and Dad have covered the run with boards and bricks so that they can still go out, this naturally caused great excitement as the run had been completely re-arranged as some kind of building site themed adventure playground!

The culprit trying to look innocent

I'm thinking there may be a living to be made in hiring them out as landscape gardners/treasure hunters .....

Love Jen

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