Friday, 3 January 2014

This Is Not A Self-Help Book!

I have today decided that I'm going to write book. It's been nagging at the corners of my mind for a while now, oddly since I was about 11 people have been telling me that they thought I'd end up writing a book but until now I've laughed it off. I don't know if anything I write would be good enough to get published, but then again if crap like the snippet I heard from of one of the autobiographies from one of the Only Way Is Essex cast can be published then I'm on my way to the Booker Prize just with this blog! Seriously how can "OMFG" be allowed to be published in an actual printed book? Are you having a laugh? I know my grammer and phrases aren't exactly the queen's English but my god ....

Now there is a slight flaw to my genius plan in that I don't actually know what I want to write about. Which may be a small hindrance since one needs to actually be inspired in order to put pen to paper (or in my case fingers to keyboard). I've had a couple of ideas and I think the most (potentially) promising one thus far is a kind of support book for kids being bullied. I don't want to call it a self-help book as I find self-help books largely unhelpful but I want to write something that will tell someone that's being bullied that they're not alone and that someone else has been in a similar situation and survived to tell the tale. Whether there's enough material there to fill a short book I'm not sure but I guess it would be a mix of my personal stories and experiences and general advice and "you are not alone" type support. Maybe it's working title could be "This Is Not A Self-Help Book!".

As always I'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions!

Have a good weekend.

Love Jen

Ps on the subject of book writing, if you have 5 minutes, please check out my lovely friend Gemma Humphrey's Wattpad entries. She's a great writer and I think her books are going to be really popular. If you are a publisher who has somehow stumbled upon this blog whilst wandering the interwebs then sign her dammit!

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