Monday, 15 July 2013
Skulls, Steampunk & Stones
The gemstone necklace is for Helen my best friend.
I'm super into Steampunk at the moment so when I found the rock and cog-planet I was really excited and I'm pleased with how the necklace came out.
As a good rock chick I obviously adore skulls and the Mexican skeletons remind me of my favourite Day Of The Dead fabric I made my Kindle cover out of. The pirate is good fun too and let's face it, who doesn't fancy a pirates life of adventure and er, rum!
And of course I've continued the Alice In Wonderland obsession with the bottle necklace!
All the items (apart from the gemstone necklace) are for sale as follows -
Mexican Skull Earrings £3
Pirate Necklace £5
Alice In Wonderland Necklace £8
Rocket Necklace £8
Please tweet me @JenRaeFrances to order. Payment is through Paypal :)
Xxx Jen xxX
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2
Monday, 8 July 2013
My Mad Fat (Not So) Teenage Blog
As many of you my Twitter & Facebook chums will know I am to put it bluntly a big girl. I'm a size 18-20 and a little on the smurfen side so I do have the unfortunate egg appearance at times (thankfully without the bald head!)
I've long been a reader of @Bettypamper's fantastic blog championing "plus size hotties" with daily tips on how to look awesome no matter what size you are and with the mantra to wear what we want no matter what size we are! She has even designed these awesome "attack of the killer curves tees" to celebrate curves that rock.
So my new mantra is that I'm going to stop feeling fed up about my size. Although I am on a health kick at the moment, due to some icky inside problems that have been discovered, my eating of lettuce (yes you read that right!) Is about making my insides and hopefully my mood better and if I shift a few pounds in the process so be it.
I'm lucky that I'm rather into vintage dressing and 40s tea dresses (sigh), 50s wiggle dresses (sigh sigh) and 50s prom dresses (sigh sigh sigh) do suit the larger shape - ya gotta have curves to carry them off!
I also like to remind myself that I'll never be too fat for my favourite red lipstick that depending on what I'm wearing can make me feel super rock n roll or like a screen siren from Hollywood's golden era (sigh Marilyn).
In the picture at the top of the page where I'm meeting my favourite band @30SECONDSTOMARS I didn't shy away from wearing shorts 'cos I'm fat, I went and bloody sharpied all their logos over them and dare I say it felt damn cool wearing them!
So from now on to hell with feeling bad for feeling fat, I intend to celebrate the plus sides - having boobs, having less aged skin, enjoying cake, having time to make pretty jewellery & fabric pieces rather than slogging at a gym nightly and having fantastic friends and family who love me for me no matter what size I am.
Love Jen
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2
A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London
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