Monday, 30 December 2013

A Promise To Myself (Inspired By A Fellow Plus Size Hottie)

At this time of year it's traditional for people to promise to punish themselves through the mediums of diet and general body facism, sweating for hours at the gym and drinking odd, green liquids. Whilst that sounds attractive to me ..... er really... I have instead resolved to generally be nicer to myself. I've never shied away from the fact that I'm fat and *shock horror* still like to wear nice clothes and pretty make-up see my previous blogs My Mad Fat (Not So) Teenage Rant & My Big Fat Rant (yes I like to rant). 

This year I've continued to be really inspired by Betty Pamper's tweets and blog I've mentioned before that she champions 'Plus size hotties' and reminds us all that whether you're a size 6 or 36 you are still gorgeous and deserve to be treated as such. Today in her blog she reviews her year in fabulous outfits and lots of glitter! A Year In Pictures. And today I want to try and do the same, I'm sick of beating myself up over how I look. I've had years of bullies in and out of school telling me that because I'm fat I will never look good or attractive and the worst of these bullies is me.

So I am giving myself a kick up the (rather generous) arse and my new year's resolution is to be nicer to myself,  I am well aware that I need to eat more healthily - surprisingly my recent diet of Quality Street is not recommended! However the healthy eating is more about keeping what's inside healthy than outward appearances; and the first step to a healthy inside is to give my mind a health kick about the way I think about myself. So rather than beating myself up about my appearance I resolve to tell myself just occasionally that you know what? I'm not that bad looking and I can always cheat with my, obviously, great sense of style. Us big gals can rock a look just as well as skinnie-minnies and have you not see Miss Piggy's amazing Chanel wardrobe in the Muppet movie?

So as a F-you to all the fat-hating body facists out there who have ever put me down, here is my year in pictures. They all feature moi and do you know what? I love them.

Naturally I always like to accessorize where possible with a cup of tea!

If you can accessorize your photo with your favorite band then I strongly recommend this

Obviously the best accessory a girl can have whatever size she is are her friends!



My girls will disapprove of me no matter what size I am!
I'm not going to hide behind the camera anymore
It's impossibly not to feel glam on a riverboat
Hiding behind a beard may have been a bit extreme

Wearing my Killer Curves top to London
Queen for the day at my Alice In Wonderland birthday party

Halloween glam with my home-made jewellery and headpiece

Yes I braved a selfie

And remember if you were ever in any doubt that only skinny girls were beautiful then take a look at this ....

Big, squashy love from Jen


Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to drop in and wish everyone a who's been reading my blog, commenting on it, tweeting or Facebooking (is that a thing?) sending me such lovely positive feedback this year whilst I've been posting a very, very, very merry christmas.

The blog started as a suggestion from the counsellor that I was seeing at the time as an extra way to sort my ideas and try and connect with other people in the same situation. Now 67 posts (god I talk a lot) and some publishing credits on The Blurt Foundation, Mind & Rethink later I'm still really inspired to blog about everything from arts n crafts, bad days, good days, rants about the mental health system and loads inbetween.

I wanted to post a few of my fave pics from this year of all the fun times I'd had with some lovely, lovely people.
A trip to Brighton and the purchase of a new hat with Kay & Helen

Snow everywhere in January

A trip to London over a very hot May bank holiday with Helen & Rach
Trying to stay upright on the tube
Rach & Helen buying dessert in M&M World

30 Seconds To Mars' Flash Show In London's Soho Square

I'd forgotten how much I love festivals! At Download in June with Gem

30 Seconds To Mars, Download Festival

Meeting Mars at Download

New Tattoos!

The Red Arrows at Airbourne
The highlight of Airbourne was having the Lancaster bomber flying over me and Helen 
A Spitfire at Airbourne in August
Trafalgar Square in Sept

A fantastic day out with Helen, Jordan, Tiffany, Yvonne, Debbie & Kay

A trip to Brighton with Kay for Helen's birthday

Walking in the enchanted woods

In Covent Garden with Mum

Carving my first ever pumpkin with Gem

Tomo at 30 Seconds To Mars' amazing O2 Arena show

Hee Hee

Oh did I mention that I got an awesome new camera for Christmas?

Merry Christmas everyone

Love Jen

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...