Wednesday, 21 December 2016
The Year In Music ....... According To Me
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Becoming a WRAP Star
Over the last month I’ve been attending a group course at Brightview (the community centre in Eastbourne for people with mental health problems) called WRAP (wellness, recovery, action, plan – nothing to do we me suddenly finding my inner gangsta!) – more information here .
I’ll admit when I first signed up for the course I was quite sceptical, I’ve tried CBT, Mindfullness etc with no effect before. I also had reservations about meeting other ‘mental’ people, I joked that “sticking a load of nutters in one place isn’t the best of ideas”. I also hated the idea of talking in a group – it takes me quite a long time to warm up to people I’ve never met or spoken to before.
I went into the first session expecting to either walk out at half-time or not come back the next week. And yes the first week was tough, I didn’t really want to contribute, shocking as it may be to believe I actually sat mostly in silence letting other people give their ideas when we split off into groups. There was an exercise with around 50 photo cards where we had to pick one that represented hope to us, they explained that hope in the context of WRAP means something that helps us cope or brightens a bad day. Unfortunately out of the 50 there was not one that applied to me, so I was the only group member with nothing to contribute. We actually had a similar exercise yesterday where we had to pick a card that represented how we’d felt over the last week, again nothing! I’m starting to think I’m not very good at this game (but not as bad as I am at Cluedo!).
The course has focused on different subjects each week, the first week was things that gave us the aforementioned hope. Last week we covered things that were helpful and unhelpful to us. It could be the littlest things such as seeing the rabbits first thing in the morning. Examples of unhelpful things could be people dismissing your problems or not taking them seriously, there are different examples for different people.
The main focus was building our ‘Toolkit’. The idea of the Toolkit is that you fill it either physically or metaphorically with things that help you to cope. We split it into – Very bad days, Not so good days and Ok days. The idea was that on very bad days we had the bare minimum that we do, so for example I would go out and feed and clean the girls and speak to Helen or Kay. On a not so good day I would do the same but add in things like listen to music or do some crafting. On an OK day I would build on this again with things like going for a walk, seeing friends, taking photos, going for a day out, putting on my ‘fun’ clothes, wearing make-up etc. It’s actually amazing how many things I was ‘using’ as coping mechanisms without realising.
This week’s session was based on Triggers that can upset our moods or influence our actions. Turns out that I have 100s of triggers (I also got reprimanded for calling one of mine silly) ranging from reading articles about/seeing examples of bullying, finding groups of school kids intimidating, reading or hearing critical comments about things I’m passionate about e.g music (that was the one I tried to dismiss as silly), seeing images or hearing accounts of animal abuse and so many more. The course tutors pointed out that although a lot of these triggers are unavoidable, in some cases you can take steps to lessen their impact or if they’re avoidable try to cut them out. So in my avoidable triggers I try not to look up opinions about bands I like on social media as some of the comments people make I take almost personally, however the ladies taking the course explained to me that this is because I have an emotional investment as music is such a big part of my life and a major item in my toolbox. Same with animal abuse, if I’m scrolling down my Facebook timeline and see something that looks to be on that subject I scroll past super-fast so as not to take it in.
The group has also made me realise that I really do need to focus on my ‘self-care’ which I have been neglecting for years, spending time running around trying to look after everyone else. As Helen said last night I can only help others effectively if I help myself too. So I guess I need to do more for me, I’m not exactly sure what that constitutes, whether things like going to gigs on my own count (I saw Deap Vally last week – they were really good – check them out if you like female-fronted feminist rock).
The other realisation that I’m starting to have is a kind of forgiveness of myself. There are things that I’ve said or done in the past that have made people think I’m strange – hence being ostracised at school and being told by people that I’ve brought it on myself. Or times when I’ve hurt people and been completely oblivious. I know now that these actions were part of my disorder and not me. I need to finally accept that at the time I had no idea I was ‘ill’ or was unable to think straight in a crisis. Now I’m aware of my actions I can take steps to make sure that I’m ‘behaving right’ although my talent for putting my foot in my mouth remains unaffected!
I’d definitely recommend WRAP to people who ‘don’t do mind-altering’. I’ve learnt so much already and unlike many other methods I’ve tried I can actually apply it in ‘real life’ . I’m really hoping the effect is permanent.
Love Jen
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Tips For Year 7s
** TRIGGER WARNING** This post contains strong language and explicit references****
#Tipsforyear7s has been trending on Twitter over the weekend to prepare the new intakes to secondary schools around the country for the new world they'll be entering (Admittedly I find it pretty worrying that kids of 11/12 have Twitter accounts!).
Allow me to offer some of my pearls of wisdom.
*General Advice*
Lunch break will be an hour later than you're used to. Prepare to starve.....
You will spend the first couple of weeks paranoid that you've written your lesson schedule down wrong.
You will change as fast as humanly possible after PE due to the teacher of your following lesson failing to understand that 5 minutes between lessons really isn't enough time to change and fight your way along the corridor.
*Advice If You Wish To Become (And retain your membership as) One Of The 'In-Crowd'*
Be prepared to ditch your friends from primary school (see below)
Expect to become a clone of a mean-girls style group, any spark of individuality will be punishable by social demotion.
Store up a list of snide remarks and insults to keep the geeks in their place.
*If You're Like Me*
Be prepared to be disowned by your primary school friends within hours
Expect aforementioned 'friends' to use any embarrassing confessions you may have made to them in the past as currency to elevate themselves and fit in.
Also beware of said friends suddenly wanting to re-befriend you when they need fresh ammo.
Be prepared for teachers to ignore any reports you make of bullying behaviour despite the giant anti-bullying policy signs in the canteen.
Be prepared to be blamed for your teachers to blame you for your social exclusion
Be careful of liking or disliking any music/films/TV Shows not authorised by the 'in-crowd'
Look foward to accusations of your good self attaching dildos to posters of your favourite bands since you're sooooo lonely (pretty sure that sexual frustration isn't a topic for 12/13 year olds to speculate upon by hey oh)
You will be expected to take slaps on the arse and groping of your books as a compliment
As before don't EVER consider reporting a particularly intimate grope of your backside (performed in front of about 10 people naturally). You will be ostracised forevermore.
Expect to be shot with a BB Gun and the school's response to be to beg your parents not to go to the local press.
Start saving now for the medication and therapy sessions you will need to try and deal with these experiences. It's costly kids!
And remember above all that these are the best days of your life!!!
Love Jen
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Autumn Blues
It's coming up to the time of year that I dread. The arrival of Autumn with winter hot on it's heels (or should that be cold on it's heels?). To me Autumn represents the death of the one season of the year that I like. Everything is so much easier in the summer. I benefit from the vitamin D I collect from days and evenings spent in the garden with the bunnies. Doing outdoor things - walking home from work, BBQs, festivals & outdoor gigs, airshows the list goes on. And then Autumn arrives to spoil the party.
People say that Autumn is beautiful, and whilst I agree that the colours are indeed nice they also represent the death of summer. To me summer always metaphorically ends on the Sunday of Airbourne, no matter what the weather does. I know most people have found the weather this week too much but I love it in its muggy, sweaty glory. I don't care what people say, SAD most definitely exists and I suffer from it. The only good point of winter is Halloween. Not even the September issue of Vogue makes it any easier!
With the start of September comes the inevitable back to school. As you all know for me school was 5 years of hell. The 6 weeks of summer provided blissful respite and a chance at some recovery. When we went on our annual summer holiday to France for the last 2 weeks of August I would always feel a wrench as I knew after those 14/15 days, those 360 hours and 216000 minutes I would be staring down the barrel of 9 and a half months of misery.
September/October are the months that I struggle most with my symptoms, they turn to depression and anxiety and make it hard to see the positive of 7/8 months of grey and rain.
It's the time of year that I'm most likely to be signed off of work. It's the time of year I got royally fucked over at CMS with the Parts Supervisor job, same with when I was working for the CHC Team when the 'Scapegoating Of Jen' really took off.
I'm hoping that we have an Indian summer in the manner of 2014 to try and ease the transition somewhat but it's doubtful since the mere sight of school uniforms lined up in shops makes me feel sick, bringing back so many memories.
So to those of you who do enjoy this time of year I genuinely hope it's a good Autumn full of colour, misty mornings and cool nights.
I on the other hand will see you next summer!
Love Jen
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Chocks Away! It's Airbourne 2016!
So as has been tradition for the 3 years (!) I've been writing this blog it's now time for my Airbourne preview! (by the way if you wanted to read previous year's previews and reviews they are here, here, here, here, here and finally here)
First up we have the Red Arrows
Getting close in 2014 |
Awesome! |
Shoreham 2011 |
Hurricane last year |
Spitfire buzzing us at Beachy Head last year |
Trailing smoke last year |
At Biggin Hill earlier this year |
Glinting in the sun last year |
At Biggin Hill earlier this year |
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MIG last year |
Vampires from Beachy Head last year |
Tigers Parachute Team
Dropping in back in 2014 |
Shoreham 2014 |
I'm still so pleased with this shot from Shoreham 2014 |
Airbourne 2014 |
Watch out for their 'Crazy Flying' |
Passing really close in 2014 |
Airbourne 2014 |
I'm so excited for the show this year, the weather looks good, the line-up looks good. It's time to head to the beach!
My Dad The Spitflyer
A Blackburn Buccaneer (one of the aircraft that Dad and I would most like to see fly) |
A Sea Vixen, we'll be seeing one at Airbourne in a couple of days! |
Yes that is an SR-71 Blackbird! The fastest plane ever to have flown (unless, like me, you believe in the existence of the Aurora like I do!). The Blackbird is so fast that it has been known to outrun surface to air missiles! |
A-10 Warthog |
De Havilland Mosquito - the other plane that Dad and I would most like to see fly |
I miss the Vulcan so much! |
Concorde |
My favourite plane the Tornado! |
TSR-2 the greatest plane never to have flown? |
Chris even found some cars to look at |
Lucky shot with the moon behind the Harvard |
Dad had to go one better and watch from the control tower! |
Climbing in to the Dragon Rapide |
He's up! |
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Just wow! |
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Not that I'm jealous you understand! |
Doesn't get much better than an, almost, private Spitfire display! |
He's back! |
World's biggest smile! |
Me & Mum celebrating the best of British - tea and a Spitfire |
Vana, Chris, Mum and Dad |
Chris, Me, Mum and Dad |
A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London
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As I've mentioned in previous blog posts I had a pretty horrendous experience during a psychiatrist appointment last year and so I have ...