Monday, 28 September 2015

Reasons I Won't Be Running Any Marathons

It's generally the accepted thing in society nowadays to put a brave face or positive spin on whatever malady or unfortunate event befalls you, perhaps it's the remains of the British 'Stiff Upper Lip' culture. Today we read or hear constant stories of people who've lost limbs or have chronic illnesses who go on to run marathons or compete at a top level in their chosen field. And that's fantastic, that they have the strength of mind to get through the adversity, possibly in the manner of the Black Knight from Monty Python who was undefeated despite losing all his limbs! That's a comic example but there are people who through amazing, almost bloody mindedness refuse to be beaten and fight on.


I don't know whether it's just me, or whether other people find that this kind of attitude is now the expected thing of everyone with any kind of problem. There's often a culture of "and?" in relation to people's disabilities or problems. A case point being that I felt I had to be back at work 48 hours after a friend's suicide and just carry on as normal. People look down on you if you just say "I can't!" People tutt when they're walking behind someone with a walking stick or in a wheelchair, as if the person should be moving at the speed of the rest of the crowd (admittedly when out with Kay if she gets tutted out I can deploy the 'accidental' elbow to the offender).


If you admit defeat and don't achieve anything 'despite your problems' you feel like a failure and weak-minded. I particularly feel this with my mental problems. Because it's an invisible condition, I don't have a stick, second head, rash of any kind (although I seem to have grown eczema all over in the last year, most irritatingly on my face (thank heavens for wearing my hair over it!) you're just expected to move at the same pace as everyone else, have the same abilities and life goals. Or alternatively any mistake you make or something people don't like about you then it's perfectly acceptable to blame the illness. People, I don't wear black, enjoy the company of bunnies and unicorns because I'm ill - I like them because it's me!


The last few days it has really hit home how limiting my illness is. Moving into my own place is not an option, I can barely cope with living in my own room on bad days, if I was in my own place I just wouldn't bother to move when I'm on a low. No-one would force me out of bed and into the shower and out the house. When I'm having an OCD breakdown I wouldn't be able to distract myself by talking to someone, it would be 4 walls and my own thoughts. Even sharing with a friend wouldn't work as they'd soon tire of my ups and downs and constant needs for re-assurance and foul moods.


Being in a relationship isn't an option either. There's no way I can open my true self up to someone with all my faults and flaws and since good relationships are based upon trust it would be onto a loser straight away! Who wants to be stuck with a clingy person who borders on paranoia? Someone who can be flipped into despair by a percieved slight or cross word or by the same token can flip myself into fury or misery at a moments notice, often without reason.  I'd immediately be in the territory of 'psycho-bitch from hell'. Heaven forbid I meet someone with kids on the agenda, I can't have kids, it's too dangerous. Imagine the physical or emtional damage a mother like me could do to a baby or child? If I can't be employed in the most menial, stress-limited environment lest I flip out how the hell could I cope with the trials and tribulations of looking after a kid? Especially with the high likelyhood of the hormones during pregnancy and birth sending me completely over the edge.


So how does one achieve what's expected of my by society when I can't -

Be trusted to live on my own or look after myself

Be in a relationship

Have a 'good' job

Have kids

I'm pretty sure that running a marathon isn't going to help that!


Love (weak mindedly) Jen


Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Clackity Clack

I'm feeling the urge to type today, no idea why, I guess I like clicking away at the keyboard, it makes me feel productive and important. I don't even have a particular subject or aim for this blog, I just want to clack away. I guess I'll try the whole stream of consciousness and see where it takes us.


So today, today, today well right now I feel weirdly detached from everything around me. I don't feel happy, I don't feel sad just detached. This morning I woke up fairly calm for once, normally I wake up v anxious and low. No complaints there! It certainly makes removing oneself from bed a far easier process.


Clack clack


I'm damn exhausted at the moment, I guess the constant periods, huge OCD and panic attacks of the last few weeks and organising and crafting for Helen's birthday have completely drained me out. My default state is always tired (I worked out that because I wake easily, remember my dreams and can occasionally dictate what happens in them that I'm never actually going into any kind of deep sleep - which probably explains why I came round amazingly refreshed from my anaesthetic) but wow am I exhausted at the moment. On the tiredness scale I normally hover at about a 6/7 but right now I'm a 9. No matter how many naps I take or early nights I have (I'm even sleeping well for me at the moment - only waking up 2/3 times during the night) it doesn't help.


I mostly blame OCD for my exhausted state (currently it's my fave thing to blame stuff on - aside from the French or seagulls obviously). It went absolutely sky high the last month or so, the constant terror and pounding heart were exhausting. I think it was mostly triggered by the Shoreham disaster, as regular readers will know one of my OCDs is that I will cause a plane crash at an airshow because I like watching air crash documentaries, I was due to go the following day. The events basically fulfilled that OCD prophecy which obviously meant that my other fixations were entirely possibly and most likely due to happen in the next few days.


So the bunnies were constantly harassed to ensure that they weren't dying, twitter was checked for evidence of various beliefs (although I have found a way to lessen my ability to do that by uninstalling my app and just using the website through my phone - which is bloody useless at looking stuff up - even useful "what's happening in the local area?" news). Although now my OCD has retaliated by telling my that I'll miss something important because I can't look up properly, I seriously can't win! Nerves weren't helped when Esme started sneezing last week- although we now think it's because she's turned into the moultiest, tuftiest rabbit in the world and her fur is getting up her nose (I know I keep inhaling it!).


Today as well as feeling detached I have what I like to refer to as 'itchy head' where my brain feels angry and unstimulated (not sure exactly what it wants to be stimulated by but whatevs) and my anxiety snakes around looking for a focus. I hate this state because it normally means that once my anxiety has latched a panic or OCD (or both) attack is bound to follow. I sometimes wonder if my brain is 'missing' having the stress of my Performance Management debacle from last year - it kept it occupied and something to focus it's anxiety on.


Clackity clack


Well I'm managing to keep a nice steady clack rhythm at least. It's this kind of state where I feel that I want to do something spontaneous and crazy, like I have energy exploding from my brain that needs to be fulfilled. I want to dance, not through happiness although as I said earlier my mood is pretty stable today, to bounce off the walls, to scream and shout and spin around.


I guess there's not much more I can add to my clack clack dance, unless I perhaps purchase some tap shoes (Irregular Choice must surely do a suitable pretty pair!) in order to clip clop along!


Yours clackily




Saturday, 19 September 2015

Never In The Field Of Human Conflict Was So Much Owed To So Many To So Few

That's still my favorite Winston Churchill quote, amongst  his many famous quotes it's always that which strikes a chord with me.

Tuesday 15th September was Battle Of Britain Day and to mark 75 years since all that stood between us and the German invasion was 'the few' who defended our skies. There's nothing more I can add to the history that you obviously are all aware of.

I can only tell you that every time I see one of the warbirds or even watch a programme on TV about the fighters or bombers I get so crazily emotional and tears always come to my eyes. I get even more emotional when I hear veterans talk about their experiences, they're always so humble and matter of fact when they describe their experiences. I think a lot of so-called 'stars' that kids worship nowadays should talk to them as some kind of reality check, the veterans are the real heros who should be worshipped and thanked. Not some D-list Big Brother nonce.

Eastbourne was lucky enough to be included in the celebrations for Battle Of Britain Day as part of the largest flight of Spitfires & Hurricanes since the end of the war. The groups all took off from Goodwood in West Sussex and flew-past and landed at various airfields used in the battle, whilst flying over & past as much of the South East as possible.

We took up position on Beachy Head and I was lucky enough to get some good snaps -

It was a stunning sight and the sound of the Merlin engines roaring past made my insides tremble as they always do. All that's really left to say is thank you to those who organised the tribute and of course the biggest thanks, as always, is to the veterans who protected us from the invasion and the many who lost their lives. 

Love & Respect

Monday, 14 September 2015

Tea And (Birthday) Cake!

Last Friday was my best friend Helen's birthday. Since she is such an amazing person and puts up with me the other 364 days of the year I decided that we should stretch her birthday over as many days as possible. This basically amounted to drinking as much tea in as many locations as possible!

We started off with a visit to 'the palace' aka my Grandparents house on Wednesday. I love going there as it's my second home where I spent just as much time growing up as I did at my actual home! I love that they get on so well with Helen, we're all one family and it makes me really happy.

On Thursday we took advantage of the sunny weather with a picnic in Gilderidge Park. We were posh and bought supplies from Waitrose and settled on a bench in the sun.

Helen reclining whilst guarding the lunch
I can also confirm that Waitrose do the best cupcakes in the world!

Lemon Ice-Cream Cupcake!
Tea at the cafe

I also took the opportunity to snap some photos of the park. 

Hello fishy
Possibly the hairiest caterpillar I've ever seen!
Not the most convincing angelic pose .........
Spiderweb catching the light
The Autumn colours were also starting to come out -

The strangest thing happened later that afternoon when we were back at home. Kay nicknamed Helen 'Ladybird' sometime ago and I have a ladybird tattoo reflecting that too. Helen happened to look down at her bag and lo and behold .....

A special guest!

Friday was Helen's actual birthday and we started off with a picnic in the garden with the bunnies!

The girls giving Helen a present
Picnicking in the garden
The girls in er party spirit
I'd decorated the house in honour of Helen's special day combining her love of Steampunk and her favorite book The Night Circus 

Felt Cogs


More felt cogs


Trapeze Girls

Chris and Vana joined us for a Chinese take-away and the funniest evening we've had in a long time, involving giant spiders, hair dressing tips - unfortunately the "what happens at the birthday party, stays at the birthday party" prevents me from divulging more.

Saturday saw us heading excitedly to Eastbourne's Steampunk Festival on the seafront. There were stalls selling steampunk jewellery, clothing and accessories. I'm hoping it'll get bigger over the next few years as it's so nice to have something a bit different going on here. 

Getting some funny looks on the bus on the way to meet Helen!

In my Steampunk outfit

To continue with our tea adventures we had tea and cake in the Wish Tower Cafe, I definitely recommend it, the lemon cake I had was so light and yummy!

A garden in her honour!

Saturday was topped off by a surprise visit from the Vulcan! See my blog A Most Unexpected Visit.

Helen with my Grandparents awaiting the Vulcan
I really hope Helen enjoyed her birthday(s) as much as I did. Now to start planning her suprises for next year .....................

Thanks for being you Helen.

Love Jen

A Most Unexpected Visit

Thank the lord for Twitter is all I can say! If I hadn't checked my account on Saturday lunchtime I would have completely missed the announcement that Vulcan XH558 was doing a flypast over Eastbourne that afternoon!

In honour of the event Helen, Grandma, Grandad and me went up to Beachy Head to eagerly await her arrival!

Grandma, Grandad & Me

Grandma, Grandad & Helen

It turns out she was filming in-flight footage with a sky-cam. It was a really funny looking little plane -

It kept us entertained flying around whilst we awaiting XH558's arrival

Although we were all scanning the horizon XH558 suddenly loomed out of the clouds like a giant moth! 

Because it wasn't an official 'display' it meant that she was able to fly right over the top of us!

Just wow!
There was a fair amount of patchy cloud cover and because of the way she was flying I managed to snap a couple of interesting shots of her in and out of the clouds.

Filming with the sky cam
She circled around us for ages and passed over the top of us quite a few times, it was absolutely fantastic!

I felt so privileged to be there to watch her perform for the camera. Especially after resigning myself to the fact that I wouldn't be seeing her again, this one 'extra' was a beautiful, graceful final farewell. 

Thank you again XH558.

Love Jen

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...