Saturday, 27 April 2013
A Big Thank You
I'm happy to report that when I checked on her & Estelle a few minutes ago she was nibbling some hay and then engaged in an energetic game of "carrot" with me (slightly concerned that she appeared to be sharpening the end of said wooden carrot to resemble a stake .....).
People are always ready to knock social media sites like Twitter but yet again it has proved that for every trolls or weirdo on there, there are 100 kind-hearted people like you all.
So from me, Esme & Estelle a massive THANK YOU!
Love Jen, Estelle & Esme
Book Review - "Girl's Night In" by Hannah Read-Baldrey
First off the book is GORGEOUS it's full of lovely illustrations & pictures. Content-wise there is a wide range of different ideas and skill levels and SO many great ideas that cover Papercraft, jewellery-making, sewing & baking. Above all it's FUN!
I've already gotten so many ideas from it which I feel is the mark of a good craft book, not only does it instruct you well but it also encourages you to explore your own ideas.
Love Jen
Thursday, 18 April 2013
The Littlest Things
We're always being told to appreciate the little things and whilst I'm certainly not about to lecture on that, I know how hard it is to appreciate anything at all on the really black days, I just wanted to share with you all some of the little things that have made a difference to me.
Firstly the reaction I (normally) get from Estelle & Esme first thing in the morning (admittedly this may be more hunger driven) - noses poking through the bars of the hutch, twitching at a hundred miles an hour, and their heads bobbing up and down. It's adorable and I miss the morning ritual if I'm on holiday or away for some reason.
Another thing is the people around me. I know I'm extraordinarily lucky to have a supportive family and friends. I have lost a lot of friends from school and college due to being to scared to go out and socialise but the friends I have now are amazing.
I'm going to give special mention here to Helen who's more like a sister than a best friend to me. She's amazingly supportive when I'm low, she'll take the piss out of me to cheer me up (again one of the aforementioned 'little things'). Even though we've only known each other 3 years we've amassed a huge amount of great and fun memories that I can call on to lift me.
Sometimes I guess it's about taking note of teeny, tiny things that make you smile. For example I LOVE sunrises and sunsets, I love that no two are ever the same and for that moment everything is ok.
I could go on and list more, like being serenaded by the Blackbird that lives in our garden the other evening, or getting up early to watch the Formula 1 with my brother, hearing your favourite band playing on the radio, or receiving cards in the post from my Twitter friends but my point is to embrace the things that make you smile as much as you can.
Love Jen
Ps as I was typing this I have in fact just been accosted by Helen as our "on our way to work" paths have crossed - it's not even 8am and I have something to smile about :D
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Alice In Dreams
When I was a kid I drew hundreds of 'models' wearing different outfits, I never dreamed that one day I'd design and make my own jewellery like I do now - well not sure if my kind of bits can be classed as 'design' but I'll take it!
The next thing I really want to do is learn to make clothing and I have all these visions of 50s style prom dresses & 40s tea dresses that I want to make! I just love the feeling of wearing something I've made and that no-one else has the same.
Love Jen
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Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Crazy Cuteness!
Maddie has been making these gorgeous felt bunnies and bunny & hamster handwarmers. I love all the colourful, fun fabrics she uses.
Please tweet @MaddiePrior or @Divaloulou with any queries or orders.
Love Jen
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Monday, 15 April 2013
There's No Place Like Home
Like me Heather also battles depression daily but it doesn't get in the way of these beautiful houses she has made.
She also makes these amazing rabbit play tables -
Sunday, 14 April 2013
A Few Favorite Things I've Made .....
You Are Invited To A Tea Party ........

Love Jen
To Do List
1. Make headbands for Download - yes I will be making 30 Seconds To Mars themed headbands using the Phoenix template that I *may* have tweeted at them a week or so ago and they *may* have tweeted back that they liked.
A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London
My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog here ) Vana and I ...

Today is a very special day, it's my beautiful bunnies Estelle & Esme's 5 th birthday! They moved in with me when they were 8 w...
After I posted the link to my communications with The Telegraph on my Twitter and Facebook I had some brilliant feedback from you guys so th...
As I've mentioned in previous blog posts I had a pretty horrendous experience during a psychiatrist appointment last year and so I have ...